I confess. I caved. I swore I would never watch High School Musical and I did. And now I'm paying for it, night and day.
I thought it looked like something I would like at first. Til I heard bits and pieces of the soundtrack in Amy's car and thought I was going to have to pull over so I could vomit on the side of the road. It sounded like the cheesiest, gaggiest movie ever. Every girl sounded like they were singing with clothespins pinching their noses, every boy sounded like they were auditioning for "So You Think You Can Be in a Boy Band." I couldn't wait for the H.S.M. craze to fade away, like I was certain it would.
But it didn't. And didn't. And didn't. It was everywhere! Suddenly this pre-teen made-for-tv Disney movie was a smash hit and everyone was talking about it. And if you know anything about me, I have to be a part of what everyone is talking about, especially if it's a movie.
So I borrowed it from Danyelle. Biggest mistake of my life. Wait, check that. Biggest mistake was letting Macy watch it with me.
I was really excited when I realized Macy could watch it with me. (I knew everyone else had let their kids watch it) I knew it was something she'd really like. Well, I was right. She really liked it. No wait, she loved it. Now we watch it at least twice a day.
Did I hate it? No. I would categorize it as somewhere between a guilty pleasure and one of those things that bugs you so bad you have to watch it. I was surprised that I didn't hate it. But you have to admit, it's a little addicting. The characters are impossibly cute, and the singing, although nauseating, somehow draws you into their Rated G world. But here is where my problem lies: those *!@#*& catchy songs. I can't get them out of my head! Never before have I had songs stick with me like these. Night and day, it's out of control.
Making dinner, I'll suddenly realize I've been singing over and over, "We're soaring! We're flying!"
Cleaning the house, it's "getcha getcha getcha getcha head in the game"
But by far the worst is waking up in the middle of the night to, "This feeling's like no other, I want you to know!"
I feel like a crazy person, I can't get make it go away! Does anyone know of a support group I can join for people like me? I think I'll go online to look. In the meantime, I just wanna say, "We're all in this together!'
the one that I can't get out of my head is...
"Yeah, we're gonna bop bop bop, bop to the top..."
It is definitely the kind of music that sticks with ya, it doesn't help when your 5 year old listens to it EVERY night as she falls asleep.
I have been wanting to watch it just so I know what everyone is talking about! Maybe I'll look for it on the schedule and DVR it! :)
I have yet to watch it. I had about enough of it when i was helping a lady in PTA with an assemply they put to 'you gotta get your head in the game woooooooo!' i was in charge of the music starting and stopping it and it get stuck in my head almost as bad as scripture power. i think i might get away with this one since i have no girls of age that might force it into my home.
I've found myself singing and dancing to it too. It's addicting, but I can't help it, I actually love it! I love that Hannah can watch something that she views as a "Big Kid" show, and I don't have to worry about naughty words or suggestive songs and dance moves.
I tried DVRing it a month ago but something went awry (my husband probably stopped the recording)so I didn't get to watch it. Caslon is going to love it, I can tell. But I'd rather her watch stuff like this than other junk on TV. Alicia, your post was really really funny. I'm both sorry/happy to hear your fight is over. You are now a HSM fan.
Hi, my name is Danyelle and I love High School Musical. I think this movie is so much fun and I love the cheesey acting and songs. I love when I hear Easton and Abby singing a Ryan and Sharpay duet. They know all of the words and it is too cute!
Too funny! I have to admit, I love it as well. The songs are incredibly catchy. It may be cheesy but it's just too cute!
I have to admit I really do love the song Gabby sings as a solo, walking through the halls alone. It's beautiful. And the more Macy watches it, the more I realize I am totally addicted. For all of you who haven't seen it yet, Stay Away!!! Get out while you can!!
I have not seen it. Sounds like a keeper though! :) I know the feeling of getting a song in your head. Lately it's been badly sung songs from American Idol. What's with that? Maybe because we rewind them and watch them sing them again??
I know, I'm seriously bummed the bad ones are going to be done after tonight, but I do love the good singing, too.
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