I've been toying with the idea since I first thought of starting a blog to have something constant on it that has to do with movies. I love how Danyelle and Marilyn have days of the week specifically devoted to certain things, therefore, I am commencing Movie Madness Mondays. Because I cave under pressure and I just want to be able to relax and have fun with it, I'm not going to review every single new movie, and it will probably just be all over the map, because, well, basically it's my blog and I can do whatever the heck I want. It might be a ten year old movie that I just really love and want to talk about. So for my own peace of mind, don't come hear every Monday expecting the review of the newest blockbuster released over the weekend, because, frankly, that might happen twice a year. (Sadly enough, although it is my very favorite thing to do in the world, I rarely make it to the movie theater, due to my loathing of getting baby-sitters.) But please come ready to share your opinion of featured movie, even if you completely disagree with me. So, I present to you in all its glory.............
I put a lot of thought into which movie I wanted to showcase first. Suddenly it popped into my head. One of my all-time favorite movies:
13 Going on 30

It's funny to me that it's one of my favorite movies, because I was really hesitant to see it when it first came out. I usually get really irritated with movies where adults try to act like kids, and I couldn't stand Jennifer Garner at the time. It also looked like it would be trying really hard to be cute and adorable, which I also despise. However, my husband really liked Jennifer Garner at the time, so we rented it. It became the first movie ever that I finished watching then started all over again immediately. I loved it!
Jenna Rink (Jennifer Garner) is a young teenage girl who dreams of being one of the Six Chicks (the popular girls) even if it means snubbing her best friend since childhood, Mattie (Mark Ruffalo). After being humiliated by the Six Chicks at her 13th birthday party, she goes into a closet and makes a wish that she was "thirty, flirty and thriving." The next morning, she wakes up and her dream has come true. Suddenly she is living her dream life as an adult, finding herself to be an editor of her favorite fashion magazine with a gorgeous boyfriend and leader of the Six Chicks as her best friend. What follows is nothing short of comical, watching a clueless teenage girl from the 80's adapting to life in the 2 thou's as an adult. The movie pulls you in when the comedy stops, however, and Jenna realizes that the woman she has become is not someone she would ever want to be. She also realizes that Mattie meant more to her than any Six Chick, and is soon longing to have her old life back. The end is fabulous, and you walk away feeling all warm and fuzzy inside.
What I love about the movie is Jennifer Garner. She managed to walk the fine line between being believable as a 13 year old and being irritating trying to play a kid, something not many people can do. She was adorable and charming, and I don't use these words lightly. I laughed as she relished the way she filled out her clothes and ached for her as she realized she loved Mattie and wanted her best friend back. I recommend this movie to anyone, it is such a feel-good movie and one every girl can appreciate.
My Top Ten Favorite Parts:
10. The scene in Mattie's bedroom where Jenna is crying and asks for the house back.
9. The whole beginning part in the 80's. Classic.
8. When Jenna says, "Yes, I will be prepared to take my limo ride at that time."
7. Jenna's adult wardrobe
6. The "getting ready for the party" montage
5. Mattie rocking out in Jenna's basement at her party, totally alone.
4.After being told by her friend that a guy behind her is checking her out, Jenna walks over to a 13 year old-looking boy and starts hitting on him. Her friend walks up and asks her if she wants to go to jail and points out the guy she had been talking about, to which Jenna replies, "Ew, the man?! Gross!"
3.When asked "Who's your daddy?" Jenna replies, "Wayne Rink."
2. When Jenna tells Mattie that is tongue is "Razzle Red."
1. Jenna does the thriller dance at a business party to liven things up. My favorite scene in any movie, ever. The movie is worth watching for this scene alone!
Making this list was hard, I realized I could go on and on and on, but you'll have to insert your own favorites. So that is my take on 13 Going on 30. What did you think of the movie?
I thought it was cute, and I'm a J.G. fan (alias)...but I don't watch a movie twice unless five to ten years has passed in between. I watched SPLASH yesterday for the first time in 22 years, I was able to enjoy it again because so much time had passed.
I love this movie. She's so adorable and lovable. It was a nice change for Jennifer Garner when this movie came out. It was interesting to watch her on Alias one night kicking some trash, then the very next night see her portray a 13 year old. She did a great job.
I liked the movie. Jessica and I actually went to the theater to see this one.
This movie was the first thing I DVRed and I still have yet to watch it... but I am going to get around to it.
I saw this movie in the theater in Provo when I went to women's conference a few years ago. It was great seeing it with a group of fun ladies and I have loved it since! Great pick Alicia! This is one of my favorites too.
I too loved this movie, partly for Jen whom I really like, and partly for Mark who is completely adorable in this role. I like that it's one I know I'll be able to watch with my girls someday and not be fast-forwarding through all the bad stuff. Great pick!
Any movie with Mark Ruffalo is a favorite of mine. He is so cute. I have only seen this once, but I definitely will have to watch it again, because I forgot how adorable it is.
I love talking about movies, so I'll be looking forward to "Movie Madness Mondays."
Great idea, Alicia! I can't wait to check your blogs on Mondays. Well, everyday, but I love the idea of setting a particular day aside for a specific theme.
I, too, love this movie. I had to buy it for myself for a Christmas gift when you told me it was at Walmart in the $9.99 section. Great buy! One I could watch over and over.
Can't wait to see what movies you review!
I'm glad for all the excitement! Kim, I'm so glad you bought it! I got it for Christmas, too. Karen, the one thing I forgot to mention was Mark Ruffalo. He was also a reason I loved the movie. I love that he's so not your typical hot-guy actor, and yet he is sexy in his own way. He was sooo perfect for the grown-up Mattie.
Great choice, I loved this movie from the first time I saw it too! I'm also excited for Movie Madness Mondays, can't wait to read your reviews!
I, too, loved this movie. I really liked Jennifer Garner when this movie came out, but was afraid after it I wouldn't like her anymore. I was a huge Alias fan. I was afraid the movie would be totally cheesy, but it wasn't. When I read your post yesterday, it got me thinking about my favorite movies. So, last night while I was putting last minute preps together for Natie's bday party today, I got out Sweet Home Alabama and watched it again. Thanks for the inspiration to watch a favorite movie. :-)
Just FYI~I read your comment on Tiffani's blog and you are on post 63, how did I know?!? If you look at your sid bar on the right at the old posts for 2006 you have 18 and next to 2007 you have 45.
Plus also when you sign in it will tell you, but you knew that! :)
i love this post and can't wait for next monday. i loved this movie and i do not say that often. my favorite scene of almost any movie is this thriller scene and when she's dancing in her bedroom with all those 13 year old girls. ha ha ha. so fun. thanks for this.
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