The Pursuit of Happyness is based on the true story of Chris Gardner, a single dad trying desperately to raise his 5 year old son on next-to-no money. (The mis-spelled title comes from the sign outside a daycare.) Will Smith plays Chris Gardner and is beyond amazing. I love Will Smith as an actor, but this role put him on a whole new level for me. The role of Chris Gardner's son is played by Jaden Smith, Will's real-life son. This fact alone makes the movie interesting to watch. Jaden is a natural, and completely adorable.
T.P.O.H. can at times be hard to watch. Just when you think things can't possibly get any worse for this duo, they do. But laced between the awful hardships are moments of sweetness and hope, making it not totally unbearable. You walk away being completely overcome with emotion, seeing what this father went through and the lengths he took to take care of his child. The movie was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Picture, as was Will Smith for Best Actor, and both were well-deserved.
I can't stress enough my suggestion to watch this movie. You will never look at parenting the same again.
I have had this movie sitting on my shelf for a while now, and still have not gotten around to watching. I really want to see it. After seeing the real Chris Gardner on Oprah, I was so impressed and moved with his dedication. I'm going to have to set aside 3 hours huh? Well, it sounds like it's worth it.
I loved this movie, too. I adore Will Smith and he is amazing in this role. Totally worth watching.
Perfect description of this one! While watching, I found myself just wanting it to be over. I kept thinking, "can't this guy just get a break!" After it was over, I was so glad that I watched it! I LOVE movie madness mondays!
I love your description of this movie! Like Danyelle said it is a perfect description!! We watched this in the theater and are now the proud owners of it, it's amazing that this is a true story. I can't even imagine what it would be like to have to live like that!
We also saw this in the theater and I need to buy it. We loved it! It was heartbreaking, especially the part in the subway bathroom, but the ending was so awesome! I loved seeing Will Smith so vulnerable. He is such a great actor and completely believable! Good pick this week, Alicia!
Aw thanks eveyone! I sat here and wracked my brain and couldn't come up with a single idea for a movie and suddenly this popped into my brain and I can't believe I didn't think of it sooner! I own it if anyone wants to borrow it.
Great pick Alicia. I loved this movie as well. I walked out of the theater crying my eyes out. It's just so hard to imagine living life that way and still maintaining a positive attitude.
Can't wait to see what you pick next week!
i have to admit that i haven't seen it and i think that your description explains why. let's just say that i've been watching the second season of 'the office' for the last week. i just feel like laughing right now. but if i'm ever feeling 'serious' this is my number one choice. thanks for the heads up.
We saw it in the theater and then have rented it since. SO GOOD!
It just makes me sad that there are people out there who live life out there with no NET(ie family, church etc.)
Your description of this is perfect. You described exactly how everyone felt as they watch this. There were times I just did not think I could handle any more of the movie because of all the terrible things that happended to him. I seriously felt like I had just ran an emotional marathon when it was over. I love that it is a true story and I would say in the end it is worth the three hours of time.
I can't wait to see it. I'll keep my eyes open to watch in On Demand. I'm a huge Will Smith fan too. Even his music is clean. I really admire that.
I didn't realize it was 3 hrs. long!
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