Saturday, June 23, 2007

Phantom of the Opera

One of my favorite movies is Phantom of the Opera. I know it didn't get great reviews, but I don't care. Nothing that is a huge phenomenon ever gets good reviews when turned into a movie. (DaVinci Code anyone?) I thought they did a good job considering. And it's a way that I can watch the Phantom of the Opera over and over again. I've seen the play once, my junior year of high school and I fell instantly in love. My dream is to see it again. I obviously didn't remember a ton of it 8 years later, and I think that helped my feelings towards the movie. My sister-in-law had just seen the play for the first time a few weeks before she saw the movie and hated it (the movie).

Here's why I love it, besides the reasons I stated above. For one, the set designs and costumes are amazing. They are so extravagant they are almost over-the-top and I love it. It's like a dream world. Secondly, all the actors are really singing (with the exception of Minnie Driver) and that made a big difference to me. I didn't find this out til after the first time I saw it, so the second time I saw it I liked it way more. Thirdly, can I just say Gerard Butler? Yummy yum yum. He rocketed to the top of my "Hot Actors" list as the Phantom. Yes, his face is either half covered up or horribly disfigured during the entire movie, but that's how hot he is....he can be like that and still be hot. And have you seen him in real life, not masked or disfigured? Me-ow.

And of course, the movie used the original soundtrack by Andrew Lloyd Webber which I grew up listening to long before I ever saw the play. Even before I knew the storyline I had the songs memorized and imagined what was going on in the play during each song. They did take some artistic liberties with a few of the songs that didn't settle right with me (for some reason, they felt they needed to turn the song "Phantom of the Opera" into something that sounded like Santana was playing back-up for) but for the most part it was all close enough.

I'm not even going to go into the storyline because I seriously doubt there is anyone out there who has no idea what the Phantom of the Opera is about. If you don't, find out. You'll be hooked.


Jessica said...

You had me at Phantom....Hahaha! This is one of my all time favs. When we went to NYC, Luke told me to name three-four plays that I might want to see, Phantom of the Oprah was the one there was no doubt we were going to see, and of course he pulled thru.....that is a blog by itself though!
I own this sound track and movie, love, love, love it!!! and I agree about Gerard Butler, yum yum!
AND very cute sildeshow BTW!!!

Noelle said...

i was so surprised that they made it a musical. i went with my sister rebecca while i was in seattle and we were both expecting a dramatization of the musical, not a re-doing of the musical. so it took me off guard. couldn't believe the main ladies voice. amazing. i call it the 'chee chee' movie for obvious reasons.

Nancie said...

I really didn't grow up with POTO. But one time on TV we ran into the black and white, no sound version. Us kids were dying laughing 'cause my hilarious mom was making up the words as the people would say them, then the black screen would pop up with the real words. I guess that might not make sense but we thought it was sooooo funny.
the movie was on amc the other night. Cam watched for a good hour before he got bored- or more like scared. Phantom spooked him a little.
okay im done.

Heather said...

Good movie. I would love to see it for real...

Sarah said...

I liked this movie too. My daughter who's five loves the music and always asks me to play it on the piano. I'm with you on the costumes and set design too. Pretty cool stuff.

tharker said...

I love the music, but have never seen the movie. Yet another that I need to add to my rental list!

Marilyn said...

I have always been surprised at how much you love this movie, because you have said you don't like opera. Isn't this movie kind of opera-ish?

I love this movie as well and this is one of the few movies that I own. Maybe I will watch it soon.

Kris said...

I love this Opera. It's funny cuz I was talking to my sister on Saturday night and that's what she and her husband were going to watch that night. I haven't actually seen the movie, but I have been to the Opera. It's so awesome and I loved every minute of it.

Nicole said...

My boyfriend took me to it in High School. It was INCREDIBLE!!! I have never seen the movie though, I am afraid it will ruin my real life memories;)

Alicia said...

Marilyn, I don't like opera, but the soundtrack isn't opera at all.

Shayla said...

I grew up listening to this soundtrack, too. When I finally got to see it in San Francisco when I was 17, I was brought to tears it was so amazingly beautiful. I was afraid to watch the movie for a long time, too, thinking it would ruin the real thing, but it was amazing in it's own right. This is one of those movies I'd love to own.

rip said...

I have to comment on this post! My daughters LOVE this movie. My twelve year old watches it at least a couple times a month. Lately, she has been watching it in French. She has the same feelings for Gerard Butler and was a bit miffed at Christine for not staying with him!

I was having a hard time getting her to stick with piano, until I found a Phantom music book. Now she plays because she loves the music.