Thursday, July 12, 2007

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Because I realize very few people have seen it yet and I don't want to ruin anything,
all I'll say is....

BEST HARRY POTTER MOVIE EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Kris said...

Ok, so I think I just might be the only person in the world that has not read any of the Harry Potter books or watched the movies. Well, I take it back. I tried to watch the 1st one about 5 years ago, and I just couldn't get into it! Sounds like I should give the books a try though! HP is being talked about by everyone! Glad you liked it!

[M] said...

I didn't even realize this was out already...I'll have to go see it.

Jessica said...

You and me Kristen! I haven't read or seen ANY of the HP movies/books. Luke is taking his niece and nephew to see it at 4:45 today, he is so stinkin' excited, I wish I could join in on that. Oh well. I went to licence to wed yesterday, it was pretty funny! I love Robin Williams!

Alicia said...

I didn't know there were people left in the world that hadn't read the books or even seen the movies.

PRP said...

I'm there too...never read the books, never seen the movies. I tried with the first one but I just couldn't get into it. I'll give it another go and report back...

Stacia said...

Glad we saw you there before the movie. It was the best movie yet. Still more excited for the book to come out!

tharker said...

We are going to see the movie tomorrow and I'm so excited. But I cannot wait for the book next week!!!!!

dandee said...

I've never read a HP book and only saw part of the first movie, but I'm ok with it. I have amazing inlaws that discuss them and I know pretty much every detail. Is that lazy?

Glad you enjoyed it, can't wait to hear the review.

Nancie said...

Loved it too. But I still liked last one a little bit better. cant wait for the book.

Alicia said...

I thought you were all my friends. ;) You think you know people....

tharker said...

Alicia, I'm completely with you!!!! I loved the 5th movie so much! I agree that it is the best of all of the movies. Cannot wait for the book!!!!!!

Noelle said...

I'm so glad that you didn't disclose any info. though i have read all the books, i know they change the movies to fit it all in and stuff and i can't wait to see how they did it. i'm glad to know that i'm not the only harry freak around. i just really really like them...a lot. :)i guess i wouldn't be that embarassed if i were 12. oh well. swallow my pride. they are awesome. i'll have to write back after i've seen it.

Melody said...

Haven't seen the movie yet, but hope to this weekend. Glad you enjoyed it!

hatch said...

I finally saw this movie last night and I totally agree with you I think this was the best Harry Potter Book ever! I loved it.

hatch said...

Ok I am a nerd. I meant to say that I thought that this was the best Harry Potter MOVIE ever, not book. Sorry I just had the book on my brain!