Monday, December 10, 2007


An many of you know, our stake recently re-did it's boundaries and a new ward was added. My old ward, 6th, was cut in half, and we wound up in 3rd ward, which is weird to me, since this is the ward I grew up in. I had mixed feelings about this. I had been so excited about the upcoming split, mainly because of the probability of me being released from my calling finally. But I was also excited at my ward getting smaller so that we could actually know the people in it, and they could know us. It never occurred to me that not only could I be part of the group leaving the ward, but that almost all of my friends were staying behind. But, I'm always up for meeting new people and making new friends, and....I WAS BEING RELEASED!!!!

Yesterday was our first Sunday in our new ward. It was so weird, but exciting. I was shocked to see how many fellow 6th warders made up the new 3rd ward. It was very comforting. Especially in primary (where I went to help out for a while, I knew they'd need help). Old 6th warders made up more than half of our primary. It was nice for the kids.

And then for the first time in three years, I got to go to Relief Society! I was so excited. It was so nice being in with adult women, having gospel discussions and being inspired. (Plus, I got to hold a precious little baby the whole time.) But I was shocked at how much of me wanted to be back in primary! I know, I know, I can't be pleased.

Anyway, by the time church was over, I was very optimistic about our new ward. Some familiar friends, some familiar faces from my old ward that I've never gotten to know and now I can, and some new faces that I can't wait to meet. And of course, I can't wait to see where I'll end up, calling-wise. BUT I STILL MISS 6TH WARD!!!!

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