I've sort of been putting this off all day because I'm not really sure what to say that will do this movie justice. Except that I loved it.
I'd never even seen a preview for it, just the picture of a very pregnant Juno and her friend sitting in the trophy case eating lunch. I knew what it was about, and I'd heard how much people liked it. And of course, the Oscar noms. (Best Picture, Best Actress.)
I thought I would like it for being different, quirky. I did. But I LOVED it for making me so emotionally involved. That's what makes me love a movie, by the way. If it makes me feel.
I loved Ellen Page, who of course, stole the whole movie. She's gorgeous, the natural kind of gorgeous, even though Juno could care less about her looks. (Her wardrobe is awesome. Very thrift store chic.) She was amazing at playing a quirky, care-free teenager who didn't care what anyone thought of her, but still showed that underneath it all, she did care. About a lot.
I loved that I had no idea going into it that there was any sort of romance involved. The sweet love story between her and the father (her best friend) made my heart ache. The scene in the hospital after she gave birth will be forever on my list of all-time favorite movie scenes.
I loved that Paulie (Bleeker, the father), was a great guy desperately in love, masquerading as a geeky kid that no one took seriously.
I loved the crazy vocabulary and hilarious one-liners of mainly Juno, but also her step-mom and some other supporting characters. I was going to post my favorites, but there are WAY too many and they aren't all appropriate for my G-rated blog.
I loved that the movie showed how wonderful adoption can be and the emotions involved.
I could go on and on, and I really want to, but I don't want to rob anyone else of their viewing experience. This is one movie you have to experience first-hand.
I have to agree! I LOVED this movie. The dialog was some of the cleverest I've ever heard!
Now I'm intrigued. I love anything that has to do with adoption! I'll have to go and see it! Thanks for the review!
I'm with you on this one, too. I've been thinking about it all day today. I know it's a good movie when I keep thinking about it and want to go back again. Like Melissa said above, the dialog was so clever. It made me not want to miss anything that was said, even though I did because I was laughing so hard at parts. I totally agree with you on the scene in the hospital, so amazing and real. Loved it!!!
I want to see this so bad!
My mom and I went the other day and I totally agree-it was amazing! Ellen Page is perfection, the one liners had me laughing out loud, and the tender love story that evolves was so pure and beautiful. (Ok, maybe not pure since she does get knocked up, but you know what I mean.)
Love it, love it, love it and I'll happily go again with anyone who wants to see it!
Sounds good.
It sounds really Great! I can't wait to see it now. Thanks Alicia.
This is on my list of movies to see as well. You're so right about a good movie making you feel, that is the point of movies, right?
You really should write professionally Alicia! I want to go see this movie from your review alone!
Hi Alicia, I wanted to sneak over and get all my movie reviews. Juno sounds amazing. It is going to be watch by me. Thanks for the tips. So much better than the guy in the newspaper with the bomb thing.
i saw commercials for it and knew i wanted to see it but thought it was rated 'r' and i don't do those. then i found out it wasn't and i can't wait to see it. can't wait.
I too LOVED this movie. on a side note, i love your reviews. when i think of the movie, my fav scene is the hospital scene. I love bleeks.
This was a great movie! I loved it, too. I wish you had some of the one liners written down since I can't remember any of them now, just that there were so many that had me laughing out loud. I loved Ellen Page. She was so convincing in this role and isn't she really like 21 or something? Loved it, and would love to see it again.
I am "teenage sitting" this weekend and taking the two girls to see it again! I loved it and glad that you loved it! I will have to write down the great liners from Juno! I loved the step mom too! She just got right in there and helped!
Gotta love this picture!! Nice white legs...Bleekers!! Typical nerdy teenage boy legs! Ha!
I look forward to renting this DVD. I don't see many movies in the theater b/c I like to know every word they say, and I miss some of the dialogue at the theater. This sounds like a good one, though. Thanks for your review!
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