I know I'm a day late, but better late than never, right? This picture is less than stellar, but I was already madly dashing out the door as it was when I remembered to take a picture. Macy had already covered up her adorable dress with her old, grungy jacket and I had no time to tell her to take it off. We were still late for her first day of school. Yay, Mom. That extra half-hour of sleep really didn't seem worth it anymore. As we pulled up to the school (just as the bell rang) I realized she had no idea how to find her classroom from outside. I told her to go through the inside, I knew she could find it that way. She later told me she beat all the kids into her classroom, they were still lined up outside. I asked her if her teacher asked why she came that way and she said no. We like to make good first impressions, the Lepperts.
But despite my shortcomings as a mother, Macy still managed to have a great first day. She knows a lot of kids in her class and even gets to sit next to one of her best friends, Kenzie. She loves her teacher and thinks she's hilarious. I am so grateful and relieved that the unknown teacher is turning out to be a winner.
Meanwhile, back at home, I was quickly reminded how much fun it is for Payson to be home without a playmate. Loads. Of. Fun. He was instantly laying on me, whining, asking when he got to go to school. I had a flash of brilliance and remembered it'd been a while since Grandma had had some quality one-on-one time with Payson. But then Aunt Amy intercepted and before he could say "dead brain cells" Payson was on her couch playing Lego Indiana Jones on the XBox with cousin Anderson who didn't start school till today. He thought he'd died and gone to heaven. So did I. I debated for a moment crawling back into bed but was proud of myself for deciding instead to vacuum and mop my disgusting kitchen floor, do my dishes, clean off my counter tops that were covered in bills and papers, and clean my messy family room. It felt so wonderful being so productive and having a semi-clean house, all with no kids.
Then I picked up Macy and Payson and came home and crashed. Days with this headache: 16 and counting. Today as I lay on my couch willing the pain to go away, I actually began dreaming (in the wishful kind of way, not the sleep kind of way) of a catscan. I think it may really be time. They're not that expensive, right?
Sounds like you had a crazy 1st day. It doesn't help when you have a headache either. Hopefully you're feeling better now. And I wish my kids had an Aunt Amy - Bennett's been following me around too. Something about the youngest child, huh? And I'm very impressed you didn't crawl back into bed - that's exactly what I did this morning. My allergies are seriously killing me this week!
16 days!? Wow, and I thought I had it bad with my 7 day'er. I'm so sorry, you should have let me take Macy home with me today. If you're still not feeling well in the morning, call and I'll do morning and afternoon pick ups. I really don't mind. Macy is so cute, even with her jacket covering up her dress. I love her haircut, she's got the most beautiful hair. Kenzie just loves sitting next to her, too. And I think the 1st day is the best day to be late, with everyone driving that day and taking pictures and not knowing where to go...no one notices if you walk in late. :-)
She is so cute Alicia!!! Even with the jacket. You are tougher than I am. I would have immediately crawled back into bed. It is so different having Brianne home by herself. She loves it I think. I will admit there is a lot less fighting when she is alone with mom. If Payson doesn't mind playing with her he can come over anytime.
Macy looks adorable. Glad her first day of school was a success. I still haven't posted my kids pictures yet. How fun for Payson to be invited to play with Anderson. What a special treat. I too, have enjoyed cleaning and getting things done with less kids around!
Maci look great! Kelsie was acting just like Payson. Suddenly there was no one to play with and she was hanging on me and laying on me and just being lonely. Good thing Amy came to the rescue for you!
Hope the headache goes away soon:)
Macy is such a cutie! She looks so happy and excited in this picture. I'm so glad the unknown teacher is working out!
I'm so proud of you for getting all that work done in your house! Payson is one lucky little cousin to be able to spend the morning with a big 7th grader! How cool is Anderson!!
You better call your doctor SOON!!! I can't believe this headache is as bad as it is 17 days later! SCARY! Let me know if I can help with anything. Promise?!
cute picture! will your son be in kinder next year like mine? as for the headache, you should get that checked out!!! hey i spent all day cleaning too. ps. saw your mom the other day at the eye clinic, so funny. ttyl.marisa
Macy can pull of a great picture! I enjoyed seeing you agiain (on the drive to school) Hope your headache goes away soon, it is probably caused by not enough scrapbooking, I will try to help by having a scrapbooking day soon :)
I love Macy. Her sweet smile and excited eyes show how happy she is.
Happy 2nd grade!
Alicia! 16 day headache! Go to the doctor already! Macy looks adorable as always! I feel your pain with the clingy kids, so much. I have two that constantly fight over who is sitting closer, then they start yelling, "she's my mom!" "no my mom". yeah....
Thank goodness for sisters though! And seriously, good job not climbing back in bed. Cleaning alone and laying in bed alone, it is so hard to pick which one to do. The laying feels good instantly, where the cleaning feels good later...
Marisa- He will be in Kinder next year. He turned 5 in July so technically he could be there now, but I wasn't ready to send him.
That's so funny you saw my mom!
Alicia, I love the 'first impression' comment. That's hilarious that she beat everyone in. What an A+ student.
Catscan? Seriously? Keep us posted. Please.
Boy am I a wimp! I've only had a headache for 24 hours and I am useless! Macy is so cute. Enjoy the school year!
If I was Macy, I would always go through the front door. Who wants to wait outside anywho?
16 days?! And you are still functioning?! I can't believe that. Way to be a wuss, Andrea.
I'm glad you had such a good catch up day, I'm so jealous! Only three more years till I can ship Addie off to Kindergarten!
I asked Chandler how Macy is in class, he said,"Quiet, really quiet, not really what I'd expect from a girl." I thought that was so funny. She is such a cute, good girl. I hope that some of the quiet will rub off on Chandler.
And yes, get that headache checked out. That is miserable!
Natasha, that is so funny, considering what she said about Chandler in class!!
Such a cute 1st day of school picture, and I love that she was still able to beat all the kids to class!
Cleaning without kids is the best! It's amazing how much you can get done without those little interruptions.
This is just a thought, and I can't remember if you've already done it, but have you been tested for food allergies? Tell me I'm retarded if you have and I just have forgotten! :)
She looks cute... Kaden will be dying for a playmate since EVERYONE went to kindergarten this year. Give me a call and we'll get them together.
Once again, true to your word you are honest to us all. That picture is exactly as you described it to me, extension cord and all! I think it's more of a classic than all my boring, no funny story attached, stand in front of the school sign photos!
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