So, desperate for something new to read, something just as can't-put-it-down as the Twilight series (or as close to it as any other book can get), I of course went to the library. And by that I mean my sister, Amy. She had told me about this series, Uglies, a long time ago.

In fact, she was so sure I'd like it she gave it to me, and it sat on my bookshelf for at least six months, collecting dust. This was during my Twilight-only phase, so I was less than interested. I eventually gave it back. Three months later, I asked to borrow it again. I kept hearing about it and was intrigued. I just finished the first book in the series, and couldn't wait to get my hands on the second one. I just got it tonight (thanks, Amy) and am headed to go read as soon as I finish this post.

If you like futuristic sci-fi, which I DO oddly enough, you will love this series. (And don't read the word sci-fi and immediately think aliens like I always do.) Many of you may have already read it, I'm usually a little late in the game when it comes to stuff like this, but if you haven't, I highly recommend it. It. Is. Fascinating. I couldn't put it down, and when I wasn't reading it I was thinking about it, non-stop. It's one of those books that makes you think, and think, and think.

There's a fourth book in the series, which Amy said she will never read because I guess it was an afterthought, after the series wrapped up with number 3. I understand that (like, say, Twilight could have ended after Eclipse, IMO) but I can't see myself not reading a book in a series that I love. I think I may have to read it, although Amy probably doesn't own it.

So...have you read this series? Did you love it? Did you read the fourth book?
I've heard about these books a lot lately and have put them on my "to-read" list. I just finished a book tonight and am ready for another...wanna let me borrow the first one? :-) You know me, I'm always up for something new and interesting...especially futuristic sci-fi.
Yes I read the books on Tera's recommendation and the first three were really good and then the fourth was just such a disapointment I couldn't even finish i would say not worth trying...
Jodi has told me about these books and said she loved them. Now I'm thinking about reading them after this post. They look very interesting. I still haven't finished Breaking Dawn. Now I know why, it's just not as enticing as the other books.
I've not read these yet. I might just have to wait till preschool is over though to start another series!
I've never heard of these yet, but I just might have to give'em a try! I'm been trying to find anything good to bounce me out of the Twilight phase. (Is it really over? *sniffle*)
Give us a little prelude....?
i've heard only good things about these books. guess they'll be next on my list.
I'm at my friends borrowing her computer (mine's STILL not working - I guess it's time to take it somewhere). Anyway, I had to comment. I loved the first three books, but thought it should have ended there. I read the 4th, but thought it was totally unnecesary (but I do own it if you want to read it anyway). ;)
I remember seeing these at work, and with my fear of the teen section, I never thought to pick them up. But they sound interesting! Have you ever read the book "Turnabout" by Margaret Peterson Haddix? I really liked that one!
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