Katie Holmes

She is single-handedly trying to bring back the 80's tight-rolled jeans and
frankly, I hate her for it.

kid on the planet, and she insists on dressing her in over-sized
dresses and covering up those doe eyes with way-too-long bangs!
Half the pictures I see of Suri she's got her chin pointed upward,
just trying to see where she's going, the poor thing! And what is
up with the lumberjack plaid? Katie's wearing it here, and....
Heidi Montag (and Audrina Patridge)

forgot to change out of her pajamas from the night before.
I can't tell if it's a shout-out to 90's Seattle grunge or some
sort of "chic" country western, but really, it doesn't matter.
Either way it's heinous.
Nicole Richie (and Jay-Z)

headband. I know Nicole Richie has always been
very "free spirit" and all that, but I've seen it on
other celebrities trying to bring back the 60's trend.
And this one looks like she stole it off a Solid Gold dancer.
Elizabeth Hurley

It's no longer just cleavage, it's like more is out than in!
Seriously, Elizabeth, what are you thinking?! At least
you know if your airplane ever crashes into the ocean
you have your own flotation devices.
Melanie Brown

red carpet just don't mix. Hoods and corset
dresses don't mix. Hoods and skin-tight
white satin don't mix. In fact, how 'bout
we just stay away from hoods altogether?

It's so that she can easily bust a cap in anyone
who makes a rude comment about her adopted
baby, or her crumbling marriage, or her delusions
about her age, or her embarrassing footwear...
Sarah Jessica Parker (and son James Wilkie)

You know you're famous, you know if you go outside
paparazzi are going to take your picture, and yet
you go out looking like this: wearing Ugg boots, which
I believe stopped being cool at least 3 years ago (maybe more),
which you couldn't even take the time to tuck your jeans into,
and wearing a grandma sweater which you tied around your waist
as if you were actually a grandma. And again, what is with celebrity kids'
hair? They all have the philosophy that they're somehow oppressing
their children by cutting their hair, that they should be allowed to
express themselves through their hair...no, people, oppression
is not being allowed to see where you're walking, or a little boy
being forced to have girl hair. Messy girl hair, at that.
Hayden Panettiere

by making a shirt out of an old wedding dress.
Hayden, you got moolah. Do yourself a favor and
go buy a new shirt. Or if it's a money thing, steal
from the Heroes wardrobe. They have cute stuff.
Jada Pinkett Smith
You seriously make me laugh out loud! Your comments on these absurd outfits are hilarious! Lumberjack plaid, flotation devices, bust a cap... Thanks for that. Ice cream sweatshirt... so funny.
Seriously, what is the deal and who are the "stylists" they are paying!?
I really don't get Katie and Tom's little girl either. She is completely gorgeous and yet can hardly see past her bangs and her dresses always look too big. I do it, sure...because I always buy too big so my kids don't grow out of them so soon, so what's her excuse?
ok, how much tape does what's her bucket have on underneath that red dress to make sure certain things don't sneak up that 1/8" space between the top of them and the top of the dress? have mercy.
phew! so glad when i rolled my pants yesterday so they didn't get bunched up under my bright red heels that clash with my magenta sweater, i wasn't out of style!
Oh I LOVE these posts. You are seriously HILARIOUS!!! Thanks again for the laughs.
WOW...and I thought I was bad. Funny as usual, great stuff.
So, I actually like Hayden's shirt, and I would totally wear what Sarah J Parker was wearing! But Elizabeth Hurley, was that real?? And I cannot stand Suri's back of the head bangs, that seriously gags me. I'm diggin the theme style TWIH.
Ok you are so right why can people with money find something that doesn't look so horrible to put on and wear?
Alicia you are just so funny! I can't figure out which celeb was my favorite and had the worst outfit. Seriously, what are they thinking!?
I feel hip after reading this post. I didn't know my grandma style was so chic.
In your other life you should be a Hollywierd stylist Alicia!
Oh, and that lace top white thingy that Katie is wearing. It is her own "creation". Aren't we proud of her?
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