Monday, November 24, 2008

Wanna Make This?

It's an adorable 2009 calendar that is super easy to make and a lot of fun.
If you want to make this, come to my sister's house tonight, Nov. 25th
at 7:00 pm for an all out stampin' good time.
(For anyone who hasn't come to one, it's more GNO than "official workshop,"
in case that was turning you off.)
Hope to see you there!


Busy Bee Lauren said...

I want to make one :(

Busy Bee Lauren said...

And I want to hang out with you. Double sad face: :( :(

meohmyers said...

I hate that I missed this! Jeff was on call and didn't get home till really late. Hope you saved one for me. :) J/K

Have a great Thanksgiving weekend! I'll be sure to call you if we decide to go see Twilight again!