Tuesday, December 9, 2008

My Grown Up Christmas List

My husband just walked past me and saw the pictures I was putting on my post and said that maybe I should try doing a post that doesn't have anything to do with Twilight. I scowled at him and insisted this post was NOT about Twilight. It is about stuff I want for Christmas. If something(s) I want happens to be Twilight related, well then, in the words of Pam: suck it.

So here's my Wish List this year:

these dishes

Twilight: The Score


a gift card to this store

What's on your Wish List?
(Oh, that just sounded way too much like a Walmart commercial.)


AOlson said...

Ooooh, I want those dishes too!!! I love them! Good list Alicia:)

Amy said...

I really like that pendant! And I too, love those dishes.

aubrey said...

You have some fun stuff on your list! I hope Santa brings it all for you!

andrea said...

Love love love those dishes. Someday I will own cute, fun dishes like those. And... I've been thinking A LOT about going digiscrap. I'm pretty sure I'm gonna do it... eventually...

Rachael said...

That's a dang good Christmas list...I haven't even let myself think about what I want. Not as sad that way when I don't get it!

Alicia Leppert said...

Okay, Rachael, that was totally depressing. I'm surprised you didn't end it with "bah...humbug."

Anonymous said...

did you hear? did you hear? the director of the movie 'twilight' quit for 'new moon'! hip hip hooray! hip hooray! hallelujah. new moon actually has a chance of being a GOOD movie! awesome. let's all now make a petition to get the director of 'lord of the rings' to take it over. that would be AWESOME.

Anonymous said...

Alicia, I think you should get a cherry blossom tattoo. I've seen some pretty good ones on LA INK/MIAMI INK. ;- dare you.....

Amy J. said...

Well...since we spent all our money on our kids Christmas and the rest on the last huge chunk of Branson hospital bills from a year ago...hadn't much thought about what I want.

Maybe some pellets for our stove or some floor mats for the suburban....

Alicia Leppert said...

Noelle- Yes, I heard, but my reaction was far different than yours. I am actually really scared for New Moon now.

Marisa- I'm so there

Amy- lol

Brenda said...

What is really funny is that I was thinking of how fun it would be to do a post like this one! Then I was thinking of what I wanted for Christmas this year and all that comes to my mind is a Crockpot! You have inspired me to wish for something "Pretty!"

ashley said...

Oh i love this list! That pendant is beautiful! And so is the twilight movie companion, I think I will be adding that onto my list too :)

PRP said...

Love the pendant, love the print, have to go check out Maurices. I haven't shopped there since it was the only store in my small college town.

Debie Spurgeon said...

The only thing on my wish list is a set on salad tongs. I'm a simple girl.
Oh yeh and a brand new set of front loading, pedestal stand, shiny new washer and dryer. Just a dream.

Shayla said...

Love your list...can't wait for you to take those digi classes. That pendant just screams you. You need it. :-)