Late Show - Where's Joaquin Phoenix? - 2/11/09
This is the man who was nominated for 2 Oscars, one for Gladiator and one for Walk the Line.
Am I the only one who is seriously scared for him? Am I the only one who sees his total and complete loss of reality? Everyone is getting a good laugh at his bizarre behavior, but it makes my stomach turn. He either has completely lost it, or he's deeply into drugs. Either way, he needs help, and laughing at him isn't helping. I was worried for him back in 2005 when he gave his famous "frog in his hair" interview. Now he's sworn off movies, grown a mountain man beard and is dabbling in hip hop. Are we waiting for the man to actually slit his wrists before getting him help?
This was his last visit to the The Late Show--
So normal. So sad. I truly hope he gets help...soon, before it's too late.
Wow.....that was really awkward. I love how everyone is pretty much making fun of him and he has no clue. Actually until the end and then he starts to get pissed. I wonder if he gets tired of crazy fans so the facial hair and long hair are a good way to blend in and look "not famous". I'm with you, he needs help quick!
That was seriously painful to watch. It makes me so sad. He was amazing in Walk the Line.
Uncomfortable. Wow. I had no idea he was losing it, although when I went back and read the "frog in the hair" incident I do remember it now. But... wow. Perhaps we can give him the benefit of the doubt and say maybe he's preparing for a role? And he's studying really REALLY hard? That's kind of what I thought at first... that he was being some kind of character, but...
OK, I am so far out of the movie star loop that he could have been playing a character and I would never know, if not then wow that was super strange. Love to hear crazy stuff though so thanks for keeping me updated :)
I saw them replay this on some celebrity-slam show that I was flipping past. It was very sad to watch. He was SO amazing in Walk The Line. I hope someone reaches out to him and helps him through whatever he is going through.
i just watched this today. very odd. very odd. for whatever reason he's doing it. it's just plum weird.
That's so sad - I didn't like Letterman making fun of him.
Do you think this behavior is real? Can someone really be that out of it? I'm going to try and give him the benefit of the doubt...
We'll see what happens when his hip hop album drops.
It must be an act.. he saw what drugs did to his brother...
I hope it's an act..
This was so sad. Crazy sad. I really felt so sorry for him when everyone was laughing at him and David Letterman was being kinda cruel, don't you think? Poor guy. I hope he gets his act together soon!
Me and Mitch were just discussing this Letterman interview yesterday. It was really disturbing, but what I found even more disturbing was Letterman's reaction. I thought he was being rude and I didn't find his mockery funny AT ALL.
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