Can I just tell you how much I loved this movie? I LOVED this movie. For once, a film completely lives up to its trailer, and then some.
It's not exactly a new concept for the big screen: Boy and girl agree to get married because one of them is about to get deported. Boy and girl pretend to be in love and try to convince everyone around them (especially the immigration guy) that their relationship is legit, and in the meantime, end up falling for each other. (Don't gasp at the fact that I just gave the ending away. It's not rocket science, people.) It brings to mind 1990's Green Card and even a bit of How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days.
However, it more than makes up for its less-than-original premise by actually being romantic and comical, something that can't be said about most romantic comedies.
Sandra Bullock (always a sure bet) plays Margaret, a cold-hearted, career driven editor-in-chief at a publishing company who learns she is being deported to her native Canada due to an expired visa. Ryan Reynolds (aka Mr. Scarlett Johansson) is Andrew, Margaret's assistant who despises his job but hangs in there with dreams of becoming an editor himself one day. When Margaret hears the shocking news that she is about to be shipped north, she bribes Andrew into marrying her by threatening that if he doesn't, his dreams of becoming an editor are over. His hands tied, Andrew agrees.
Next thing she knows, Margaret is on a plane to Sitka, Alaska to meet Andrew's family and announce the engagement. Of course, the obligatory characters are all there: The kooky, energetic grandma; the disapproving father angry at his son's life choices; the beautiful bombshell of an ex-girlfriend who inexplicably spends all her time with the family. But what sets The Proposal apart is the actual laughs it brings, between Margaret's culture shock and "Gammy's" antics, and other characters and situations that had me gracing the theater-goers with my boisterous guffaw.
But what made me fall in love with the movie was Andrew. Not Ryan Reynolds, although of course I have to credit him somewhat, but the character he played. Until now I only knew of Ryan Reynolds in obnoxious, cringe-worthy roles. But he pulled out the acting guns for this role, and actually had me sighing girlishly at parts. He was sweet, funny, real, and ripped. (Just FYI.) I actually found myself bitter at the end, thinking he could do better than Margaret.
Other pros: The Alaskan scenery was to die for, Andrew's family was thoroughly enjoyable, and a favorite from The Office pops up throughout the movie in a hilarious role.
Cons: Although there was no actual love scene, there was some surprising nudity (no visible parts per se, but lots and lots of skin). There. You've been sufficiently warned by me.
Movie Queen Rating: G
Movie Queen Rating System:
G - Great
PG - Pretty good
PG13 - Eh
R - Rubbish
I loved the movie too! We don't watch many commercials anymore because of our DVR, but I did see a preview or two for the movie and though it looked cute, but I didn't know that I would like it as much as I did. Sometimes I think you and I are the same person. I could have written the same review, albeit with much crappier writing. Great review!
So sad I had to miss seeing this with your laughter in the background... BUT, my sister and I went earlier tonight and it was just as you said. I LOVED Ryan Reynolds in this one. He totally made the movie for me and that isn't because of the surprising nudity (it really was quite shocking! Could they get ANY closer to making it an R without really making it an R?!). I just loved his sarcasm and facial expressions, he was perfect. You never know with Sandra Bullock, I'm not a big fan of some of her "playing dumb" roles, but she pulled it off for me on this one. The dancing/chanting scene...awesome, the Office guy...seriously priceless.
I'm so glad that you loved it too. It's seriously one of my favorite movies now. It was just as hilarious watching it the 2nd time too. LOVED IT!!!! Loved Sandra and "Andrew."
can't wait to see it.
i heard they filmed in maine. so you actually think maine is very beautiful! :)
just saw it last night and REALLY liked it. i was surprised. i would agree that Andrew totally made the show. i didn't love the stripper scene, as I went with a group of ladies from my ward. maybe it wouldn't have been so awkward if I were with a dif. group. enjoyed your review...
I have seen this movie 3 times.
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