Couldn't put it down. If you haven't read it, you must do so, without further delay. But first, you have to read
Because it's the first book in the series. Can I just say how much I love these books? They are the kind of books where you tell yourself you'll stop after this chapter, but then you can't because the chapter ends with some shocking new development and you absolutely have to read on to find out what the heck is going to happen?! Almost every single chapter is that way.
The characters are amazing. The main character, Katniss Everdeen, is maybe my favorite female character I've ever read. She is real, she is strong, she is brave, and not in the way that Stephenie Meyer claims that Bella is, but for real. She doesn't annoy me in any way, which is saying a lot.
The two male characters are both gorgeous, amazing guys that seriously have me equally rooting for both of them. I don't know how it could end that would make me happy, unless she ends up with both of them.
Speaking of ends, I do have to say that this is where I feel the books' weaknesses lie. Love the books, hate the endings. Both of them so far have me checking to make sure there isn't another chapter back there hiding somewhere. It's only acceptable knowing there will be a sequel, the story isn't over.
I will be anxiously waiting (a loooong time) for the third installment of The Hunger Games series.
Cool! I've been wanting a new series to read.
I LOVED the first book in this series, even though the ending was abrubt and not at all what you hope for. I've been dying to read the second and have been waiting as patiently as I can for my name to move up on the library hold list. :-) Can't wait to read it now! I figured the second book would leave you hanging like the first. Oh well, I guess if I go into it knowing that, it won't be so bad, right?
I think I'll wait to start the series until the series is complete. Then I don't have to wait to know what's going to happen. I can just pick up the next one. Yep. That's what I'll do. Just like Twilight. (I started reading the series for that the week before the movie came out and was almost done with the third book when I went with friends to see it on opening night.)
So glad to hear it was as good as the first! It's on hold for me at the library as we speak! Definitely going to pick it up tomorrow!
I'm so happy to find someone else who loves "The Hunger Games." When ever I suggest it to people to read, I think they're a little concerned about the subject matter. But it's sooooo good. I just got my "Catching Fire" book the other day and haven't been able to start it yet. Thanks for the thumbs up!
Oh goodie! I LOVE a new book series to read! Thanks!
i LOVED the hunger games and i just bought 'catching fire' at costco yesterday but i'm in the middle of another page turner so it will have to wait.
the end of hunger games alos annoyed me but then i knew she knew it was the first of a trilogy so it left 'to be continued' and that was alright with me. just as long as she doesn't do that in the last book.
have you read her 'gregor the overlander' series? it's for 6th graders so put it on your list of things macey to read. i think it's called the underland chronicles series. soooooooo good. we listen to them on cd while in the car and i love them just as much as brig.
Peeta for the Win!
You have me intrigued now. However, I will have to wait to read them until the series is complete if it is as addicting as you say it is. I started reading the Harry Potter series between when books 6 and 7 came out, and I really thought I might die waiting for 7 to come out. Not sure I could put myself through that again. LOL.
Now all your friends are going to think you own it and will want to borrow it...and you will have to tell them that you borrowed Anderson's copy from me "before" we gave it to him for his B-day! :) What he doesn't know won't hurt him!
I DO own it now. Remember, I couldn't pass up ten bucks at Costco? I own them both now! But thanks for letting me borrow Anderson's b-day present!
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