Saturday, October 17, 2009

Hooker Boots, iPhones, and Swine Flu, Oh My!

Don't die of shock, but I'm going to blog about something other than New Moon movie tickets. Now that they are in my possession I can start living my life again. It's weird to think about something other than money, tickets, email addresses, money, New Moon, deadlines, and money. I'm trying to remember what I did and thought about before taking this on.

So what else have I been up to?

--Taking a Love & Logic class at my kids' school, every Tuesday night. You know, in the hopes of becoming a better parent. Turns out the classes won't help you unless you actually try the techniques at home. Go figure.

--Joined a new club. The iPhone club. You can easily recognize the members by the rectangular object permanently affixed to one hand. Other characteristics are: Failure to engage in social conversation and obnoxious offers to provide any information someone may or may not need on the spot. Yeah, I'm "that" person now. Although I try very hard not to be. Okay, I don't really.

--Swine flu, swine flu here and there. Swine flu, swine flu everywhere. It is TAKING OVER THE WORLD. And despite my insistence that it would never infiltrate our home, it has happened. Well, I don't know for sure, Payson was not actually tested, but I'd bet my signed copy of Twilight that he has it, and Bill too. So far Macy and I have managed to avoid the filthy disease of pigs, but basically I am just biding my time and swabbing my inner nostrils with salt water. Oh yeah, I seriously just said that.

--I bought my first pair of hooker boots that I am insanely excited about. I got them on Thursday and I was seriously considering wearing a skirt and blouse on Friday as I collected money just so I could wear them. But I figured a steady stream of people coming to my house with wads of cash already looked sketchy enough to my neighbors, without adding hooker boots to the mix.

And that's basically it, summed up. It's good to be back.


Rachael said...

Congrats on the Hookin' boots, I'm hopin to buy some new ones soon. And then to go with my boots, I think I'm gonna try some skinny jeans, please don't puke.

I think I'm going to try to market a neck-support/brace for all those Iphoners....

::lindsay said...

The remark about people coming with money to your house so you couldn't add the boots on top of it had me laughing out loud. Ha! Too funny!

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you are back! i even love your funny new moon ticket posts, even though i'm not going. sniff sniff. anyway, i have always wanted a pair of hooker boots so i'm a little jealous. can't wait for the pictures of them. hint hint. and the iphone thing? yeah, i'm married to someone in that club. but it is pretty snazzy. they have an app for that. :)

Unknown said...

I second Lindsay's comment! Haha that could have been too funny to see.

Amy J. said...

Uhhhh exspecailly since most of the people stopping buy were women...scary.

And yes I typed that word up there JUST FOR YOU!!!!

tharker said...

I've heard about the swabbing of the nose w/salt water. I think I'm going to start!

Okay, the visual of your neighbors possibly wondering about all the cash in combination with you wearing hooker boots....hilarious! You are so funny!!

Amy said...

LOL... that is awesome. I'm sure your hooker boots are awesome.

and at least you're taking the class, right? I haven't even gotten that far.

Shayla said...

That seemed to be my whole hang-up with the Love and Logic class, as well. Oh...I actually have to DO this stuff and really THINK about my responses before I say anything...hmmm, it's a lot harder than it sounds. :-) So sorry to hear about the flu at your house. Been there, done that. Hopefully you don't have to go through it yourself, we didn't all get it at our house so it's possible. Let me know if you need anything...being strapped to your house with a sick kid gets old fast.

Shayla said...

I can't believe I forgot to mention my utter and total disbelief that ANOTHER person has gotten an iPhone before me. I think I blocked it out, it was just that painful. I saw you at school the other day burying your face in an object, furiously typing away with your little fingers, that looked suspiciously like a little, shiny, "happiness-wrapped-in-a-gadget" iPhone, but I couldn't believe it. I should've known better when I just couldn't get your attention for even a second so I could wave hello. I mean, we were sisters! United in the fact that we were one of the proud (read:ashamed and broke) few (besides the 16 year olds at school with really mean parents) that still used an outdated cell phone that you "top-up" every month. I feel so betrayed.

tharker said...

Shayla's comment about the iPhone is cracking me up!

Alicia Leppert said...

Shayla, now you know how I felt when you abandoned the Sisterhood of the Small, One-Story, Loviisa Farms Homes!
Yeah, Kim informed me it's illegal to go from a Tracfone to an iPhone. Apparently Bill didn't get that memo. This was aaaaaalllll his doing.