Less than thrilled to see...
Kristen Stewart still hasn't discovered that her facial muscles can be used for more than just looking angst-ridden, confused, and uncomfortable. (Although I gotta give the girl props--not many actors can pull off all three emotions at the same time.)

Jackson Rathbone is still not portraying Jasper as the hot, blonde movie-star-looking vampire that he is supposed to be, and is instead still channeling a certain appendage-challenged Johnny Depp character.

Curious to see...
Dakota as Jane
and monkey references.
T-29 hours and counting!!
Woot! Woot!
I really really like Kristen now. I think she will do a great job. I'm soooo excited!
Team Edward!
You seriously crack me up!
Okay, ditto what Aubrey said. I seriously was going to write the same thing. I'm going to be laughing during non-laughing moments at the movie, b/c they are going to apply to this post and everyone is going to look at me like I'm crazy. Did that make sense? ;)
oh, and i really appreciate the last picture. i would feel guilty googling it, but since it's right here, i can stare.
Alicia, I tell you now something YOU will not believe!!! I have not read a single book of Stephanie Meyers (is that how you spell her name???). OK I just heard you say out loud: WHAT!?!?!? So I’m absolutely not into this new Moon thing and I have not seen the first movie, but I hope for you that all you wishes and hopes for that second movie will be shown on that big screen on Friday. Have fun and I know you will write about it…
i am dragging my sisters along with me on friday night.
hopefully there will be less sniggering during parts where it's not supposed to be funny but i feel too uncomfortable to just watch. sort of like michael scott on 'the office' except i am supposed to laugh at him. :)
HA HA HA HA - edward scizzor hands! ha ha ha! TOTALLY!!!! i have a feeling i will be laughing at him during the movie. how can you not? even before the edward scizzorhand comment. but now it's even worse! becuase it's so dang true. LOL ha ha ha.
That's hilarious. You are so right about Bella and Jasper. I'm still not impressed with the hair and makeup on the vampires. If they couldn't get it right in the studio, why didn't they fix it in the editing room? Oh well. I'm still looking forward to the movie. I'm glad there might be someone else laughing during the non-laughing parts it, b/c I would feel so stupid if it was just me! ;-)
Alicia you have done it once again, and with your beloved Twilight! Are those gang signs? I thought she was trying to hold her other buttons so they wouldn't fly open like the rest of them.
Can't. Wait. I'm afraid you're going to be disappointed with Kristen...because in this one she really IS supposed to portray an angst-ridden, sorrow-filled Bella. I actually think she does a pretty good job at what I would expect from Bella. Especially considering I don't even like Bella half the time in the books, so it makes sense... Are we carpooling still? I'll email...
A - Noelle sent me your link (because Ihaven't seen it in a while). I'm glad she did because its hilarious. I don't think I'll ever get used to Kristen Stewart and won't see any of her other movies because I am just not that impressed.. I am a tried and true Jacob fan and absoluately 100% thank you for that last picture.
ditto to everything you just said, when I actually go and see the movie. And when I see Jacob shirtless....well, be still my heart..
Amen! To "everything" you said! I saw Kristen on Regis and Kelly today and she is just SO awkward-ish in real life...hmmm, maybe that's why she's playing Bella? FYI: Robert Pattinson is going to be on the show tomorrow (Thursday)! Should be interesting! I'm so excited to hear your thoughts about the movie, will you be reviewing on Friday!?
You are cracking me up! And I think you are spot on about Kristen Stewart as Bella and whoever that dude is playing Jasper. Can he please try not to look constipated? Please???
Oh well, the movie will be fun! (and as for more of Jacob's abs...yes, please!)
That ain't no shark boy anymore! Yowza! can't wait!!! can't believe it's tomorrow!!! hey, save me a seat, k? ;)
shark boy was just one disney tonight! i wonder if they did that on purpose.... :)
oh, and guess what david decided to do tonight! you would be so proud of him! while i was cursing at the stupid new moon quilt i was trying to quickly finish for my sister in law, david took the kids upstairs to film a movie. and the movie he choose was........... TWILIGHT! kylie was bella. eddie was supposed to be edward, but he wouldn't plug his nose and say "you stink" so he was fired and the part was given to eli. i think johnny was the one to hit bella in his little red car... and kaden was everyone else (oh and the screeching of johnny's car hitting bella). david has some editing to do. but i can't wait to see it. i only heard bits and parts, but they worked hard on it so i am sure it will be a winner!
Hilarious and YUMMY!!!! :)
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