I literally gasped. "Peaches & Cream!!!" I cried. Macy looked at me like I was crazy, but I had already picked it up and was admiring it in all it's NIB glory.
You see, Peaches & Cream Barbie was the last Barbie I received before moving from little girl into way-too-cool-for-Barbies. It was also the Barbie I decided to hang onto, and still have to this day! Yup, here she is:
Obviously, 25 year old P&C has seen better days. But oh, how I remember loving that doll. Wrapping and re-wrapping her peach colored wrap that was inexplicably long enough to go around her at least four times, admiring how her sparkly, spaghetti-strap dress fit perfectly over her mom hips (back before they updated Barbie and gave her hot little 18 year old hips that are perfect for ultra-low rise jeans and boy cut underwear), turning her back and forth slightly so the skirt of her dress would swish, swish, swish. Oh, those were the days.
Seeing her sitting there on the shelf at Walmart was like getting in a time machine. It was such an unexpected surprise, and I enjoyed waxing nostalgic for a few minutes. However, nothing makes you feel old like finding out the Barbie you used to play with is being re-released as "vintage."
I still remember getting her for my birthday!!! I loved her too. Seriously! I can't believe she is back. So crazy! I loved her. And she is still at my Mom's house. The most perfect Barbie ever!
I seriously just laughed so much that Spencer and Sophie came over to check out what I was looking at! I'm so impressed that you've not only got Barbies in your house that are dressed, but that are dressed in their original outfit. We can't keep clothes on barbies around here so we've opted for the new version that have partially painted on clothing.
It's so weird facing the fact that anything from '85 would be considered vintage.
Peaches & Cream Barbie was one of my favorites back in the day too. I still have mine as well and let's just say ours could be twinners.
Aaahh yes, Peaches & Cream. I too HAD this Barbie and she was a favorite of mine. Unfortuneately my mom got rid of ALL of my Barbies and Care Bears and My Little Ponies and Starwberry SHortcakes. So sad. Vintage, huh. I do feel old.
Loving see your vintage moment. Thanks for making me laugh.
i love me so good ol' vintage barbies.
i still have my "HOLIDAY" barbies in their orginal boxes, in hope that someday they actually WILL be worth some money.
i love the way their dresses sound, too. its almost magical.
I am tired, grumpy, and so blah...and when you wrote 'here she is' and I looked down and saw her hair, I laughed so hard. That is going to be one of those things I randomly think back on, and laugh again and again. Thank you.
I have this barbie still, too! She was one of my favorites. Thanks for the trip down memory lane. It's sad to say, though, that my barbie is in much scarier shape than yours is. The straps are missing, the pretty sparkly top is not so sparkly anymore and not really white, either, the pretty skirt is ripped in places. The girls think I'm weird for loving that dress so much, they think it's funny looking. :-) Are they really selling it for $45?! Wow, slap "vintage" on something and all of the sudden the price triples. Crazy.
That is too funny. I must be the only one who didn't have a peaches and cream barbie (I had all homemade clothes I think) and we too have a hard time finding dressed barbies.
After I have this baby I am going for the new barbie hips myself....we'll see how that goes.
Shayla- you know Walmart. I'm pretty sure the label under it wasn't the right one.
That is awesome!! I loooooove a good nostalgic trip (hence the NKOTB concert, etc.) And 1985? That's the year I was born! Must be an awesome Barbie ;-)
PS, it was my laptop causing the trouble! Lame.
She was by far, my most favorite Barbie! And I'm pretty sure that mine looked just like yours, circa 1985. Let's just say that I had brothers...
best barbie ever. wish i still had mine.
I really enjoyed reading your blog, please read mine and let me know what you think!
Keep up the good work!
I thought you got rid of all your Barbies! I so remember her and she was your doll not mine! I love her well played with hair....great post Vintage Girl.
Yay Peaches and Cream!!!
I love it! Totally vintage now! LOL
So here's what I want to know. Was Macy as impressed with it as you were?
I also love the price-tag underneath. Sheesh!
I had this barbie!!! It is the dress!! How I loved it!! I wanted that exact dress to be my prom/wedding/oscar/ princess dress!!I am going to walmart!
love your new header and look.
OK, i was at wal-mart just the other day and i saw this too!!!!!! i totally freaked out! that was MY barbie!
and then i looked next to it and about threw up. have you seen the '007' barbie? it's halley barry in all her pushed up boobed, bikini falling off glory. seriously messed up. you'll have to check it out.
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