I Hate To Admit...
*That I read Baby-Sitters Club books until my sophomore year of high school.
*That if my kids wanted to rob a bank and get tattoos to celebrate, I would totally let them if it meant I could extend my nap.
*That I don't really like other people's kids. I've learned to love a few of my kids' friends and a few of my friends' kids, and of course my nieces and nephews, but it wasn't easy.
*That I can count the number of times I've made our bed in our married life on my hands.
*That I average making one dinner a week...and that I am so proud of myself when I meet that quota.
*That I would literally eat dessert for breakfast, lunch and dinner without shame or hesitation if it wouldn't eventually kill me.

*How much I worry about people liking me.
*How many times in a week I try to start eating healthy...and epically fail.
*How much of a chore it is for me to read my scriptures.
*How much of my day is spent counting down 'til the next time I can sleep.
*How much I thrive on other people's controversy and drama.
*That I secretly love the song Party In The USA by Miley Cyrus.
*That I once got two speeding tickets in one week.
*That I dream of one day being a household name.
*How much I love lists like these, and how long I could actually make this list.
I hate to admit that I feel too much pressure being your first commenter because I know how many comments/readers will be checking this post. I'll come back in a day or two, when I'm feeling more confident.
Talk about social insecurities, right?
it's kinda hard to make a bed with an alicia in it...just sayin.
also, i don't like your kids either...just kidding (i adore them)
it's not the desserts that are gonna kill you, it's the giant sized tumor pressing on your brain causing all the migraines.
unfortunately for you, i feel that comfortable to kid with you like that. i totallly LOVE you, and i LOVED your list!!!!!!!!!!!!!
p.s. so not closeted about loving party in the usa. (so does steve)
I read those books for a long time too. I did a report on Ann M Martin in fifth grade and then decided to read all her books. One of my friends had a lot of them and she actually made me a pretend library card to "check" books out from her for a LONG time.
I too, enjoy my naps! A little mess in the house is worth it to not have to be so tired all the time.
I have found that even when I eat a nice salad, it should be followed up with chocolate. Otherwise, I'm just not satisfied.
That song (Party in the USA) is seriously SO fun to sing to in the car!
I think I need to make my own list, but I send my blog to my dad, so maybe not....
Lisa- you never fail to make me laugh out loud. It's a true sign of friendship when you can get away with making comments about your friend dying...and making her laugh with said comment. But my favorite part was your line about having an Alicia in the bed. Loved it!!
LOVED your list! I loved the babysitters club books, just not as long as you did, apparently... I totally deserve a medal every time I make dinner...I make Nate tell me how great I am over and over, I'm so proud. At least you keep "trying" to eat healthy, I'm so pessimistic I just give up before I can fail. Love the Party in the USA song, too. I LOVE to hear my girls singing it at the top of their lungs in our car. I seriously laughed SO HARD at your nap comment. My kids know to ask me for stuff when I'm napping, I always say yes if they'll just leave me alone.
ha ha ha, you really read those books in high school? That is great. Loved the list you are too funny.
How can anyone top your creativity? If only I could write with half the style you have. Your posts are always entertainment to my day! Loved this one and loved the comments.
LOL! babysitters club. ha ha! yes, i'm totally laughing at you. i can deffinately tell i'm in a serious mood. when i thought what i'd put on my list, nothing was funny - it was all uncomfortably serious. not a good blog post.
so thanks for making me laugh. awesome.
I don't know what to say, since I said most of it on the phone. But if you are like me, you can never hear how funny you are too many times. I keep laughing out loud thinking about the Babysitters Club, Dessert is the best meal of the day, and reading your scriptures is a chore? You mean, you actually do that? Mine would probably squeak when I open them it has been so long! I should have put that on my list.
I loved your list and I am so glad you did it. I kept checking yesterday to see if you would.
So I throw my hands up, They're playin' my song, the butterflies fly away...movin my hips like yeah..stuck in my head ALL. DAY.
Oh, and when you say household name, like as in a cleaning product? dessert recipe? for making those things people wear over their eyes to sleep? for your moving role in titanic 2? I need specifics...
Love it! You totally had a kid kit, too, didn't you??
Love your list Alicia!! And I'm with you on making the bed. I'm sure my husband would LOVE it if I did, but... You're list seriously was so creative and funny, it made me super nervous about writing my own. And Lisa, you always make me laugh!! :) Love you guys!
I'm happy I'm not the only one who doesn't make the bed. I wash the bedding, but I never put the sheets on even enough, so Paul would rather do it himself, which is fine by me :)You are a household name over here, and I like you.
Did that sound creepy? I feel like a stalker now, sorry Alicia.
I love honest women... cheers!
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