Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Remember When...

...i bought clothes based on trends and brand names and not on whether or not they'd make me look pregnant?

...going to the movies was more about the guy you were sitting next to and less about the actual movie?

...i didn't start a sentence with, "I read on Facebook..."? had relationships with actual people instead of their cell phones?

...skinny jeans made their debut and I laughed and said no one would ever wear those?

...when everything seemed black and white instead of so grey? forehead broke out in a crazy rash so I cut my own bangs for the first time in my life? No? Oh, that's cause it just happened three days ago. (I will post a picture as soon as my cousin/hairdresser does damage control.)

...i did a post about my cat and all heck broke loose? That was awesome.

...people used to write letters and verbally speak to each other?

...that month in eighth grade I wore cleats as regular shoes and my mom yelled at me for putting holes in all the carpet?

...that time I wanted to blog but didn't really have anything to blog about so I just spouted off nonsense?

Good times, good times.


dandee said...

why have I never heard the cleat story?

you're so good at posts like this!

tharker said...

I love your blog because you say what we're all thinking.

Good luck with the bangs. Been there and done that too many times to count. You'd think I'd learn my lesson...

[M] said...

so you're glad you ended the facebook boycott?

i can totally picture cleats, but you forgot to mention the doubled up tube socks:) did we wear our cleats the time we rode our bikes to the roach's house after softball practice and got into HUGE trouble? Just had a flashback about that...

Shayla said...

So funny that you put holes in your parents carpet because you wore cleats as regular shoes, why would you do that? I'm still wondering why anyone wears the skinny jeans...even if they do look good on *some* people. No fair. Sometimes I think the best blog posts are ones written about nothing in particular. :)

Anonymous said...

love your 'nonsense' as you call it. i say yes to it all. i remember. i just cut my bangs the other day since they were a good two inches too long and i was going CRAZY. they sort of ended up a little too short. almost goth short. oh well. i'm working it.

Sara said...

Remember how much you make me laugh every time I read your blog and how I think you should have syndicated column or something in a newspaper or a morning show. Love ya!!

Rachael said...

Remember when we used to hang out...loved your post. And your bangs...remember when you used to not have wv...

Alicia Leppert said...

Rach--wv...West Virginia??

Brenda said...

You are great....and we are all glad that you have West Virginia now, not sure how you ever did without it.

andrea said...

hahahaha! You wore cleats like they were normal shoes? Please tell me it was just once...
I was so one of those people who vowed NEVER to wear those stupid skinny jeans. I know I don't have the shape for it (as if my pear shape needed any more defining), but I have felt very tempted, because they do look very cute on some people. Luckily, I've reminded myself I would not be one of the lucky ones and have talked myself out of it!

Amy J. said...

Great post Alicia...I had never heard the cleats story either!

Amy said...

what?!? Alicia's on facebook??

p.s. I just found out about the Eclipse tickets. Lame! Let me know if anyone needs to get rid of one. I would love to go.