So all you need to do in order to enter the giveaway and win this awesome game is leave a comment on my blog telling me what your favorite Christmas song is cause I think that'd be fun. Then, to be able to enter again, you can link to this post on your blog or facebook (both will earn you two more entries in the giveaway) and come back and tell me you did. The winner will be announced Wednesday.
Spread the word, and good luck!
I'd love to win this game. It sounds so fun!
My favorite Christmas song is "Jingle Bell Rock" because it always makes me remember my two older brothers (early teenage years) singing and dancing to it in Sunshine Generation. There is video and it's hilarious!
I posted about the giveaway on facebook.
I told my friends on facebook if they win, they have to invite me over to play the game with them. =)
I really want to win (or to have someone I know from my blog win.) I even let them know they could give it to me for Christmas. =)
YAY! How fun is this!
My favorite Christmas song is "It must have been the mistletoe". I know, that makes me EXTRA cool!
Now, I'm off to blog/fb/tweet about it...
My favorite Christmas song is "Mary Did You Know". It is such a powerful song that reminds me of all that Christ has done and makes me ponder the wonderful mother that Mary was to be chosen to bring Christ into this world to save us all!
I just Facebooked about it!
Posted a link on Facebook...Good Luck to all!
Oh this is a fun giveaway!
My favorite one is Paul McCartney's "Wonderful Christmas Time"
Posted about your game giveaway on my blog. Good Luck to all!
I just tweeted it!
I facebooked it!
Matt would love this. My favorite Christmas song is...wait? I really have to pick a favorite? Lately it's Santa Claus is Coming to Town, because it's just so cute when my 3-year-old sings it.
My favorite Christmas song is Grown Up Christmas List. I love ticket to ride so I think I would really like this game. I posted on facebook too.
Sorry, that was me. I forgot to say my favorite Christmas song. My favorite is O Holy Night by The Kings Singers and MoTab. So pretty!
I'm not much of a game person, but I do enjoy Ticket To Ride, so I'm sure I'd love this one too! Very cool giveaway!
I just blogged about it...
I just tweeted about it!
My favorite Christmas song is "Oh Holy Night". - Jennifer Templeton
My favorite is not unique. I love oh holy night or the carol of the bells. But I would love to win this game. It's not my husband's first choice. So I have a hard time justify giving it to him. But If I won it. I'd have to play when my sister came over, or friends came over, or on the occassion when he'd play with me. :) Cassy Nef
My favorite Christmas song is pretty much all of them.
I'd like to win it... sounds like fun!
i love frank sinatra's hark the herald angels sing! :)
i blogged about this!
oh I would love to win this! I love games!
My favorite song to hear at Christmas is O Holy Night.
I want to win this game so I can give it to NaDell since she is our oldest Daughter and they are the the game players in the family. I commented on her BLOG, does that count? My Favorite Christmas song is "Mary's Lullaby"... especially when I'm rocking one of my 14 grandchildren.
My favorite Christmas song.....
hmmm....I would have to say it was the last Christmas song that we sang together.....
Did I lay it on to thick?
Just Facebooked it.
I tweeted away!
Can't wait to win!! :-)
My favorite Christmas song is God Bless us Everyone by Celine Dion
The First Noel. Love that song. And I would love to win this, it would be the perfect gift for my in-laws.
This year I am loving "Celebrate Me Home" by Kenny Loggins. This game looks really fun!
my favorite christmas song is silent night- I found you through Nadell's blog :-) what a nice giveaway!
Oh!! I want this! I love Silent night. My fave!
Okay.....okay.....okay.....I am hyperventilating trying to pick my favorite Christmas song! EEK! Okay, my favorite Christmas hymn is Angels We Have Heard on High; favorite classic song Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas; favorite funny song I Want A Hippopotamus For Christmas! WEW! That was harder than I thought!
Alright, I did it on my blog and facebook! WOOT WOOT!
i thought i entered this little contest but i was just looking thru and my comment never posted? oh well....any music from white christmas the movie.
i want this game!
This looks like fun! We're always looking for new ways to entertain. Thanks for the giveaway!
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