Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Oh, how I love to be sick. It's not very often that I get this kind of sick; the kind that is actually something you can catch from someone else and isn't just some kind of unexplained "don't feel good." I woke up yesterday morning with a slight sore throat. By mid-day it was more than slight. By evening it was making my head ache. (Which was extra fun preparing for a house full of Bunco friends.) This morning I woke up...and rolled over and went back to sleep. All day. This isn't unheard of for me, but at least this time I had a valid excuse to do so. I finally forced myself out of bed at dinnertime and now I'm sitting here wishing I could go back to bed, but even sleeping doesn't feel good anymore. My throat hurts, my head hurts, and it feels like someone is pumping air into my head. Good times, good times.

But Bunco was fun, even hosting it, which always stresses me out big-time. I can never relax enough to enjoy the game. Am I moving it along too fast? Am I going too slow? Is my house too hot? Too cold? Is my cat rubbing up against people's legs and I'm totally oblivious to it? (I sometimes forget that not everyone is a cat-lover like me, and that, in fact, there are some people--shocking as it may seem--that actually hate cats. Go figure.) But all went well. My fellow Bunco players raved about my dinner (tortilla soup, my absolute fave), my new home decor they hadn't seen since I'd switched it out, and, as always seems to be the case when I host for some bizarre reason, I won High Score, the biggest prize you can win at Bunco. ($20 gift card to Target, holla!)

Now my hubby is at basketball and I have to decide if I want to curl up on the couch and watch something good or get in the bath and finish my book for book club, which is always something I love to do when I'm not feeling good. But that would mean having to clean my bath first, so...looks like watching something it is.


Amy said...

Dude, I have this super lame "cold" that is making me feel like death and I feel so lame when I'm wallowing around because I have a runny nose. But seriously, I am exhausted, with puffy eyes, sneezing, nasal drippage and it sucks. Like my house is going to look like poo next week for book club sucks. Not to mention the productivity strike I've been on for the last two weeks, it's not helping anything at all. I totally understand the stressing out about your house part. I do the exact same thing. Thanks for blogging again, I love having stuff to read from people I actually know.

Shayla said...

Sorry you're sick...not really a sicko, though. ;) I've been fighting the same thing since a few days after Christmas, while on vacation. I've heard of a ton of people having the same thing. Tis the season. Hope you feel better soon!

Rachael said...

I was talking on the phone to Amy tonight, and she was I was all like, "Why are you laughing?" and she was all like, "Something Alicia said in her blog", and I was all like "What?!(in a really high pitch)How long has she been blogging again? Why didn't she tell me?!" And then she was like "For awhile, maybe you would know that if you got on the computer ever" So, I came, I read, I enjoyed. And nothing makes my heart swell like learning you or Lisa cried at something...funny thing is, when you think of Soul Surfer you think of faith, and when I think of Soul Surfer, I think about how the brand that was going to endorse her is the brand of purse I have...and you even inspired me to do a little posting of my own. So thank you, for the entertainment, and inspiration...