Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Color My World

When we woke up to rain Saturday morning (seriously,
what's the deal? Crappy weather every Saturday when
we need to get things done, and beautiful sunny days
on Sunday when we can't work out in the yard.) and
realized we wouldn't be working outside like we had
planned, we decided to paint Macy's room. It seemed
fitting, like and early birthday present.
I wanted to do a pale green, as her plaid bedding is pinks
and greens. Macy wanted red with purple polka dots and
sparkles. So we compromised.
on a dark hot pink. It's actually really pretty in person.


(Macy desperately wanted to help, and thought she was
pretty cool when we let her.)

and the finished project.........

This picture is crappy, there is no good lighting in her room,
day or night, it doesn't do it justice, but it will have to do.

It was a lot of fun, but I'm soooo glad it's done!

Two down, seven to go!

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