Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Pass the Creative Juice, Please

I considered myself a fairly interesting person with insightful yet comical things to say. That is, until I started a blog. What was I thinking? Seriously, how much does one person have to say worthy of being not only written down but read by other people for entertainment? I have come to a sad realization that I'm not as interesting as I thought I was.

I've actually been contemplating deleting my blog altogether. Besides the aforementioned reason, the time issue is another problem I have encountered. Yeah, I have the time to sit and read my comments and other blogs and post new stuff on my own and check hourly to see what people have's just that after that I have no time for anything else, you know, like cleaning my house and paying the bills and making dinner and realizing there are two kids in my house.

I had such ambitions when starting my blog. I was going to revolutionize the world of blogging. I was going to impress the masses with my intelligence and wit. People would be blown away by the complexity of my thoughts and feelings. They would say, "I had no idea Alicia was this funny or interesting!"

Turns out I disappointed even myself. There was a time I felt I could sit down and turn anything into a comedy. Then my inner philosopher made an appearance and I think even Freud was getting depressed. Now I sit and can't think of one shred of an interesting story, a meaningful, thought-provoking post, or a humorous anecdote. I feel creatively-challenged.
I hope that by getting this out into the open, addressing my frustrations and feelings of inadequacy, maybe the dam will burst open and my creative juices will once again flow freely.
Or, maybe not, and tomorrow we'll discuss the value of a good pair of socks.

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