Thursday, January 10, 2008

I'll Give 'Em Something To Write About

I don't know how I have been so out of the loop on anything involving the entertainment industry, but somehow I just learned about the writers' strike a few days ago. Suddenly there's an explanation for the prolonged absence of all the shows! I was sitting here the other night and it suddenly occurred to me that I usually spend my nights parked in front of my t.v. watching one of my many shows. I began to wonder what ever happened to said shows? They had their usual "Fall Finales" which led into the seasonal "dead air" as I like to think of it, which is when I stop bothering to turn on the t.v. But they just never...came...back. I heard about the writers' strike and it all made sense. Oh well, I thought, they'll get it together soon. I mean, really, how long can they not air any of the good t.v. shows? And then I heard the news. The Golden Globes aren't happening. OH NO YOU D'INT! And now the Oscars are at risk, too? Okay, the wrath of Alicia is about to be unleashed, and people, it ain't pretty. Nobody messes with my awards shows, NOBODY. Maybe they can get away with the Golden Globes, but the Oscars? Apparently someone down south's craving a little @$$ whooping. All I know is there better be some Office, some Lost, some Heroes and some Grey's on my t.v. screen soon, and, come March, some over-dressed, cleavage-bearing celebrities giving over-dramatic, long-winded speeches. Then I can be truly happy.


tharker said...

You crack me up!!

Marilyn said...

I hear ya, my year won't be complete if the oscars don't happen!

PRP said...

I second that...

lindsay>boo said...

Amen sista' friend!

Lost is coming back on at the end of January with like 8 unaired episodes though.

Sara said...

Ok must have new episodes soon or I will go into shell shock! What is my life with out the Office and Bones! I will join you on the butt kicking if the Oscars don't show!

[M] said...

Lost starts Jan 31. It will air episodes written before the strike.

{ bRee } said...

Thanks Alicia, now I don't feel so bad I learned about it only two weeks ago!

Alicia said...

Ahhh....yes, I have been seeing the previews for Lost and can't wait...except that I can't remember a single thing about last season. Does anyone own it that isn't currently using it?

Noelle said...

you'll have to check out my post today. i just figured this thing out too. but i'm wondering why they aren't at least not showing reruns? is that against their contract too? ugh. if i see another 'deal or no deal' i'm going to freak out.

Kristi said...

I have been so mad at the stupid rich producers since Thanksgiving, when the Office ran out of show. That's the one show I indulge in, and I MISS IT! Just give the writers their money! GIVE ME MY SHOW! At least I can rent re-runs or occasionally read about my sister's job in D.C. That helps... some.