Friday, January 25, 2008

I Smell Rotten Tomatoes

I've made it! I'm a true, honest to goodness movie critic. Complete with angry backlash from the public and everything! Karen and Nicole, you can try and disguise your voices all you want, but I know those death threat phone calls came from you guys.

I just had a few things to say to back myself up and maybe help explain my dislike of the movie that was previously discussed:

1. I am not a crier. Never have been, never will be. I have cried in a movie maybe three times in my entire life, and we're talking a solitary tear making its lonely way down my cheek. I don't get all warm and fuzzy when I see puppies and I absolutely despise those forwards with the teddy bear's arms wide open saying "You've been hugged." I am a deeply emotional person, but at things that I find real. Things that I can relate to. In real life, if something moves me, I fight back the tears. On the big screen (or little), with actors that I know are playing a role, not real life, me no cry. I may get a little emotional if it happens to touch a personal nerve with me, but that's as far as it gets. For someone who suffers from depression/anxiety, real-life tears are plentiful enough without crying over fictional things. I'd be constantly dehydrated.

2. I was born a movie critic. I LOVE movies, but so do the movie critics that are constantly slamming flicks, right and left. It's because we love movies so much that we truly appreciate the good ones and have very strong feelings about the ones that just don't feel right to us. Okay, I'm going to drop the plural, because I feel really stupid grouping myself in with actual movie critics. I am such a natural movie critic that even in my very favorite movies there is stuff I don't like, that bugs me. (Case in point: Titanic. Still one of my all-time favorites. However, when Leonardo and Kate are in the elevator and yell "Shut Up!" in sync, it's the equivalent of fingernails on a chalkboard and someone chewing loudly in your ear to me.) I believe this is why I can't nail down one favorite movie. I guess what I'm saying is, there are certain things in movies that I personally can't stand, no matter what movie it is. So if I'm watching a movie and it has these things, I know instantly it will never be in Alicia's Movie Hall of Fame.

To get to the point, and bring my last two points together, I'll say my last words on P.S. I Love You. You all were absolutely right: I did go into it expecting much, much more. BUT that is not at all why I didn't like it. I have thought through this carefully (as every good critic should) and pictured what I think would have happened if I'd gone to it expecting nothing, or even a crap movie. My opinion may have been slightly better, but I still would not have left liking it because of the two things I said above: I am just not that kind of girl that tears up at these romances. Having said that, if it was (in my humble opinion) a good, real, relate-able romance that I really felt to the core, I probably would have been bawling like a baby. So I stand by my review (as all good critics should) and state that I maintain my opinion (because of course that's all this is) that it could have been better done with some better writing and actors.

Now, to finish, I'll say that we are all entitled to our opinions. I LOVE the feedback I have gotten and the discussion that ensued because of my review. Those of you who loved this movie have every right to love it, and that's great. I don't, and there's no "right" or "wrong" here. Just personal taste. I will continue to do my movie reviews, good and bad, and hopefully we'll have more discussions just like this because people, MOVIES ROCK!


{ bRee } said...

Be brave little one....

Noelle said...

go on lady, do go on!

meohmyers said...

amen, sista.

Ms. Kristen said...

Cheers!!! (Our icy cold sodas) "Clink" To Movies!!! To our opinions!!! To our favorite bloggin' movie critic!! Alicia!! What movie is on your list next?

tharker said...

You be so funny. I love that you were speaking in the plural for a bit there.

Alicia said...

Kristen-I hope for it to be Juno.

Ms. Kristen said...

I hope so too! I love Juno...because it is anti abortion!! So....I think you may like this one better? Let me know!

Sara said...

You rock, please keep the reviews coming!