The Whole Fam

You may recognize some of these actors. All I have to say is SERIOUSLY?

The "kids"

For the names of the actors, click here.
It was surprising once I figured out who some of them were.
The last thing I'll say perfect does Edward look?
Okay, so let me have it...what do you think?
It was surprising once I figured out who some of them were.
The last thing I'll say perfect does Edward look?
Okay, so let me have it...what do you think?
This book is next on my reading list!
I haven't read, but Elizabeth is dying to. Is it an almost 13 year old friendly book? I totally trust your judgement.
Debie, I would say no. I know some parents who let their 12 year oldish girls read them and regretted it, especially the 3rd book. They're very passionate books with some sexual references throughout, and very...heavy, very deep. That's just my opinion.
I'm with Alicia.... I'm not impressed with the casting. I think they could have done better.
Not exactly how I pictured Edward. I am interested to see the movie.
I agree the casting doesn’t fit the characters in my opinion:( hopefully they work their movie magic and it comes out awesome! Otherwise I’m going to be bummed.
Really?! I don't know Alicia. Why would they choose her for Esme? And what is up with Jasper's hair? Wig much?! I have a very bad feeling this is going to be a disappointment. How can they possibly live up to the hype of the books without HUGE hollywood budgets and even BIGGER hollywood actors? Edward is actually okay for me, though...surprisingly...
I'm not really feeling anyone in this cast. Especially Esme. All I can think of is annoying amnesia girl from Grey's.
I agree with Shayla. What IS up with Jasper's hair????
i'll have to go and find out who they are and find better pictures of them. i still WAY like edward and bella. and that guy with the fake blonde hair? they'll have to do his hair better.
Shayla, you make me laugh. You're right, that wig looks horrible. And you guys realize I was talking about the Grey's Anatomy chick when I said Pylon Girl, right? That's what Bill dubbed her...remember she got her face smashed in with that pylon? We hated her and didn't think she was attractive enough to be on Grey's Anatomy, let alone a Cullen!!!
I have decided that I am going to put the movie in an entertainment value category. I will only see the movie for entertainment value. If it entertains me than I will like it. I will try my VERY hardest not to compare it to the books. How can you be disappointed by that?
You won the give away you turkey. That cute planner I wanted.
I DID??!! WOOHOO!!!!
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