Here are just SOME of my favorite mushy love movies. Some I've already reviewed before, some not. All are wonderful, and in no particular order. Enjoy.
A romantic classic. One of my favorite movies ever.

Ah, the sinking ship. It will always hold a special place in my heart. Love the love story in it.
A perfect mix of sheer humor and the sweetest love story.
I can watch this movie again and again.

This love story makes me ache inside. Once you get past the first twenty minutes of the movie where you feel like you're on acid, the love story that remains is one of the best ever.

You can't go wrong with Drew Barrymore and Hugh Grant. Funny, sweet, perfect combo.

Heartbreakingly good. Awesome, awesome love story.
(Not to mention fantastic music and sets. And of course, Gerard.)
A classic. What better love story is there than Mr. Darcy falling for Lizzy after he totally snubs her? That would be none.

LOVE IT. A serious favorite of mine. Love Leo, love Claire, love the music, love the LOVE story.
This movie makes me love being a girl and there's something about love stories where the best-friend-that's-a-guy-and-not-your-typical-hunk gets the girl that does it for me.

Although it definitely has its cheesy moments, the love story is incredible. I'm a sucker for the Tough Guy Finally Finds Right Girl And Changes His Ways story. This is a good one.

What's hotter than jealousy, love and revenge? Not much, says me.

I just love this movie. Probably the first romantic movie I loved. The only movie they made as a married couple worth anything (Days of Thunder, Eyes Wide Shut? No thank you.)
What a great one to end on. This is one of probably two movies I've cried in. Hey, Jude. You rock. Kate, Jack, such a sweet romance there. Uh, Cameron, you were in the movie, too, so I guess I'll give you props for that.
And there you have it. I own all of these, so if you want to borrow, let me know. Cuddle up with your Valentine and watch a romantic flick tomorrow night!
So many of these are my favorites too. Some of these I need to watch again, I may have to take you up on your offer to borrow.
I just saw the last movie on your list and I love that movie. I enjoyed reading more about you and Bill.
I love all these movies! I haven't watched the wedding singer forever, I think I need to dig this out and watch it!
Good movie list, Alicia! I love Pride and Prejudice. Count of Monte Cristo is really good too. Moulin Rouge is one of my personal favorite movies. I see that Romeo + Juliet is on your list too. Have you ever seen Strictly Ballroom? It is sooo good. Moulin Rouge, Romeo + Juliet and Strictly Ballroom are the 3 films that make up Baz Luhrmann's Red Curtain Trilogy. If you like 2 of them, I'm sure you'll like the third.
Great list! And I agree with Lindsay, Strictly Ballroom is awesome. I love it's quaint quirkiness.
Hmmm, which should I watch tonight?
Good list... but there are a few I haven't seen. I may take you up on your loaners sometime.
I think a Girl's Night In is in dire need of attention, SOON! I haven't seen like 4 of these movies! I know! What world am I living in? Thanks for all the suggestions for great romantic movies. Since we probably won't be finding a sitter at this hour for tomorrow, we might just have to stay home and watch one of these!
I watched the first two hours of Pride and Predjudice on Masterpiece Theatre Sunday night, and I am litterally dying for next Sunday to come. I have seen that movie so many times, but it NEVER gets old.
I've never seen Strictly Ballroom. Love Far and Away, Count of Monte Cristo, Moulin Rouge, and The Holiday. (Jude Law? Yes please.)
Great list Alicia.
I had NO IDEA you were such a romantic! The love stories I love are the boy from the wrong side of the tracks meets the rich girl and they want to be together despite no one thinking they should be (or the rich boy falling for the poor girl): the unexpected couple.
Ooh, Debie, that's a good one! I am a die-hard, to the core, hopeless romantic and I love every love story scenario possible. That's why it's so impossible for me to settle on one to write my novel about. I just can't decide!
Because this is bugging me to death, I just have to put that under 13 Going on 30, it's supposed to say "not your typical hunk". Blogger for some reason cut me off and won't let me edit it. CURSE YOU BLOGGER!!!
Very good Valentine movies indeed...and by the way...what is your random thing that you do to sleep???
Hurrah for mushy love stories!
May I add one?
::An Affair To Remember::
Or two?
::Return To Me::
Lisa~ I suck on gum. Yeah, I know. Ew.
Aubrey~ Oooh, you took a risk! I don't like old movies, EXCEPT An Affair to Remember! LOVE it! And Return to Me is good, too.
If you don't like old movies Alicia, try Love Affair. It is a remake of An Affair to Remember and stars Anette Bening and her husband whatz his name? That movie is where they met and fell in love, can't get any more romantic than that.
I love your list!
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