...takes the cake. I expected to laugh. I just didn't expect to laugh from the time it started til the credits rolled. (My movie-viewing companions can vouch for that. Oh, if you've never watched a funny movie with me, it's definitely something you need to witness before you die.) This movie was just plain funny. I should have known, being Tina Fey. She was the mastermind behind Mean Girls, which I loved. The previews for Baby Mama just made it look cute, not hilarious. So I went in expecting it to be a chuckle, not a side-splitting cackle. But cackle it was. (If fart humor and social stereotype jokes aren't your thing, you may disagree.)
Kate (Tina Fey) is a successful woman who desperately wants a baby but finds out she can't get pregnant. Weighing her options, she finally decides on surrogacy (using a sperm donor). Enter Angie (Amy Poehler), a financially-challenged, dim-witted girl from South Jersey who is, well, a bit further down the social ladder.
Kate (Tina Fey) is a successful woman who desperately wants a baby but finds out she can't get pregnant. Weighing her options, she finally decides on surrogacy (using a sperm donor). Enter Angie (Amy Poehler), a financially-challenged, dim-witted girl from South Jersey who is, well, a bit further down the social ladder.

After Angie chooses Kate's baby to carry, the two immediately begin bumping heads with their different lifestyles. Soon Angie is living with Kate, (I don't think I'm giving too much away here, it was pretty clear from the previews.) and it's laugh after laugh watching them cohabit.
Tina Fey was likable as always as the straight-arrow, responsible adult learning to let loose a little. (See dance club scene.) Amy Poehler is adorable and hilarious as the fun, care-free wild child who is forced to learn to grow up. I loved watching her character unfold throughout the movie, unveiling a sweetness and innocence you can't help but fall in love with.

But of course the reason to see the movie is for the laughs. And they are a'plenty. All I want to do is quote my favorite parts, but I don't want to ruin it for anyone who hasn't seen it. Oh, what the heck, I have to put at least a few.
"You people and your space age cars." -Angie
"You people and your space age cars." -Angie

"I'm sorry I farted into your purse." -Angie

"He didn't ask me to be his wife, but he didn't ask me not to be his wife." -Angie
(Maybe my favorite right there.)
I can't wait to see this movie again! HILARIOUS!
Fair warning: Obviously being SNL-affiliated, the humor was crude at times and there was some language. But I was actually very pleasantly surprised that it was not as crude as I expected.
You have such a contagious laugh, that I can just imagine you really enjoying this movie cracking up at the theater.
It took everyone way too long to go see this movie! I saw it opening weekend and I didn't have anyone to share the funny quotes with! Now I have forgotten them all...but I have you to remind me.
yup, this is now on my list to go see soon. Thanks for the great review and rundown about what to expect :)
Glad you liked this movie so much. It really looked funny on the tv clips. You were very in depth on this review. It must be a stellar performance for these 2 funnies.
Yup, I was sad before that I missed this movie night with you, now I'm just plain depressed. :-) I LOVE seeing a comedy with you, so now you have to go see it again with me!! ...and whoever else missed out on this night, too, of course. :-)
I can't wait to see this movie! Thanks for the review!
I thought the movie was hilarious too! And I have to say that I laughed through the whole movie too -- with a few snorts and tears (from laughing so hard) too. :) It was a GREAT time!
Looks very cute, can't wait to check it out.
I don't know what was funnier the movie or the birthday girl who was cracking up the entire time. You are for sure a GREAT movie going buddy and I can't wait to go again!
Good times, I was surprised. I liked it a TON more than I thought I would. Great pick!
I'm so happy you had a great night out. Boo hiss to scout campouts! I'm sad I wasn't there.
Can't wait to see it! Thanks Movie Queen!
I need something to boost my morale after last nights loss!
Poor Archie!
I love going to movies with you and this one was the best! I love your laugh and that you keep laughing well into the next scene. It's so funny. Makes the movie 10 times funnier.
Another great review! Can't wait to see it again, either! HILARIOUS!
This movie was so funny and I'm so glad I got to go with you, it was such a fun night! Can't wait to do it again!
can't wait to see it. thanks for the play by play.
Just saw it last night! L o v e d i t!!!! A bit predictable...but fun!
I have been wanting to see this since I first saw the trailer! Good to hear it will be worth my money. I haven't been impressed with many of the comedies that have been coming out of late.
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