Mariah Carey Weds Nick Cannon
John Mayer's New Do

He announced on his blog that his new personal goal was to bring back
the 80's feathered hair do. “I want everyone who reads PEOPLE magazine to know how important this haircut is,” Mayer said. "It’s important because it draws people together. Feel it. Run your fingers through my hair, and tell me what it feels like. It feels like silk.”
Pete Wentz

Aw, look at that. He's showing the world just how ready he is for the
responsibility of marriage and fatherhood.
Miley's Photo Scandal

Madonna defended Miley's controversial Vanity Fair photos, saying,
"Leave her alone. She's gonna be 16 soon and then 17 and then 18,
and then she might show her knees and then what's gonna happen?"
"Leave her alone. She's gonna be 16 soon and then 17 and then 18,
and then she might show her knees and then what's gonna happen?"

That Mariah is one classy gal.
When I first saw John Mayer, I thought, "What in the world is John Cougar Mellencamp doing on Alicia's blog?" Nice hair dude.
Madonna should be everyone's role model right?
John Mayer's tattoo looks like what Rachaels shirts look like on me. I don't know why, but for some strange reason, this totally bothers me. Its like his tat sleeve is one size too small. Good gracious if your gonna do it, do it right man!
Oh by the's the eyelash curling going?
I wonder if that wedding dress comes in my size? Huh, I'll look in to that. I think when and if you get pregnant we should totally go around to different place and I'll snap pictures of your "Baby Bump" like the Paparazzi. Than you can post the pictures in your This Week in Hollywood! If that's not reason enough to have number 3, I don't know what is!! Just think about it....
Lisa~ AWFUL!! I can't do it right. They crimp, not curl, and all my mascara sticks to the curler and comes off my eyelashes in spots. And Rachael's blowdryer trick just made it worse. I think I'm giving up the curling.
Rachael~ Alright, you convinced me. After years of turmoil trying to make the baby decision, you made up my mind in one comment. It is SO worth baby #3 for a paparazzi photo shoot, Jessica Alba-style. Let's do it.
can you do paparazzi photos even though you aren't prego? Here alicia pumps gas. Here rachael plays with her children at the park, here lisa picks her nose & walks down the street. I would love a this week in hollywood tricity edition.
you gotta curl BEFORE the mascara is applied. duh....
and for me it wasn't john cougar melancamp it was richard marx! i really hope big man hair doesn't try to make a comeback. that was a sad sad time in our nations culture.
Dude, lay off! Somebody has to bring back the feathered hair since all the other crappy styles are coming back like bell-bottoms, moon boots, overall-sluttiness. And who better than Jizzohn Mayer? Fo shizzle.
I love me some John Mayer. Even with a feathered do.
You do such a terrific job at this Alicia. Serioulsy so entertaining and thinking what I think! Love it! It makes me giggle. And seriously who wouldn't want a dress like Mariah's?
You do such a terrific job at this Alicia. Serioulsy so entertaining and thinking what I think! Love it! It makes me giggle. And seriously who wouldn't want a dress like Mariah's?
I'm never quite sure what's fact or fiction in Hollywood, thanks for clearing things up. I am so dissappointed with M.C. She was held in such high regard around her. I checked out the photo, not cool!!!!
Wow, gotta love the celebs this week. The link to the dress was to funny. John Mayer, really?
HA HA HA HA HA HA. Love it.
I haven't visited your blog before...I LOVE it!! It's so fun! Thanks for commenting on my post so I could find you! :) Is MC's dress for real? And isn't she twice his age? I was completely shocked when my husband told me! And I totally have to agree with Tharker about JCM -- totally him!!
Love the last picture of the awesome role model Madonna. Miley was a huge issue last week in our home. My daughter had a picture of her on her blog, its not there anymore. She wasn't happy with her at all. Hope she swings back and takes this advice to not look to Madonna for anything.
I have to say that I love John Mayer. 80's hair or not. Not happy with Hannah Montana though.
Okay, I have to clarify that that wasn't really Mariah's wedding dress. (As far as I know.) It was just one I picked as a joke, based on what she usually wears.
Jodi- I'm so glad you came to my blog!
Danyelle, Kristin- I love John Mayer's music, but that's where the love stops.
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