First there was

Does the world really need three Incredible Hulks? No. Have I ever watched any of the other Incredible Hulks or had anything resembling desire to do so? No. Am I shocked that I saw this in the theater let alone watched it at all? Yes. Am I even more shocked that I thoroughly enjoyed it? You better believe it.
I know, I know. I, Alicia ________, (last name withheld to protect the paranoid) am not ashamed to say that I saw The Incredible Hulk and am about to give it a great review. Stay with me, I promise I haven't lost my taste in movies. I have good reasons for liking this movie. Here they are:
1. I obviously went into it expecting nothing. Well, worse than nothing. I expected a lot of eye-rolling, fidgeting, and 2 hours I'd never get back. Basically the movie could only go up from there.
2. Edward Norton. Amazing actor. No, I'd go so far as to say brilliant. I love Edward. (Yes, I'm still referring to Edward Norton.) He made this movie. He portrayed a man so deeply agonized by the monster he was that I almost ached for him. (Not unlike another Edward I know and love.)
3. I was so sure this would be a fluff movie that would use any excuse to show the giant computer-animated creature destroying stuff. I was wrong. The movie probably went on for at least 45 minutes before the green guy made an appearance. And when it finally did, it was quick, subtle, then disappeared again for quite a while. Of course towards the end there was plenty of screen time for Hulky, but that's to be expected. It seemed as if the movie-makers were actually interested in making a movie (shocking!), not just a glorified comic book on film.
Of course no movie is perfect. There were a few laughable qualities, like the fact that the Hulk's arch-nemesis could speak intelligently when transformed while Hulk was reduced to ignorant, broken sentence fragments. ("Hulk...smash!")
I didn't necessarily dislike Liv Tyler as Betty Ross (although I did keep expecting her to whip out her needle and thread and start sewing an American Flag) but she basically just ran around looking concerned, scared, and in love at the appropriate times. I could have done that. (Although I probably wouldn't have looked the same in the little white nightie she wore to bed.)
I also had the same thought that probably everyone else in the theater had: There is no way Bruce Banner's pants are that stretchy. Details, people, details.
But other than that, I had no complaints. They left it wide open for a sequel, and I am proud to say I can't wait. Who knows, maybe the fourth Incredible Hulk will look like this:

I know, I know. I, Alicia ________, (last name withheld to protect the paranoid) am not ashamed to say that I saw The Incredible Hulk and am about to give it a great review. Stay with me, I promise I haven't lost my taste in movies. I have good reasons for liking this movie. Here they are:
1. I obviously went into it expecting nothing. Well, worse than nothing. I expected a lot of eye-rolling, fidgeting, and 2 hours I'd never get back. Basically the movie could only go up from there.
2. Edward Norton. Amazing actor. No, I'd go so far as to say brilliant. I love Edward. (Yes, I'm still referring to Edward Norton.) He made this movie. He portrayed a man so deeply agonized by the monster he was that I almost ached for him. (Not unlike another Edward I know and love.)
3. I was so sure this would be a fluff movie that would use any excuse to show the giant computer-animated creature destroying stuff. I was wrong. The movie probably went on for at least 45 minutes before the green guy made an appearance. And when it finally did, it was quick, subtle, then disappeared again for quite a while. Of course towards the end there was plenty of screen time for Hulky, but that's to be expected. It seemed as if the movie-makers were actually interested in making a movie (shocking!), not just a glorified comic book on film.
Of course no movie is perfect. There were a few laughable qualities, like the fact that the Hulk's arch-nemesis could speak intelligently when transformed while Hulk was reduced to ignorant, broken sentence fragments. ("Hulk...smash!")
I didn't necessarily dislike Liv Tyler as Betty Ross (although I did keep expecting her to whip out her needle and thread and start sewing an American Flag) but she basically just ran around looking concerned, scared, and in love at the appropriate times. I could have done that. (Although I probably wouldn't have looked the same in the little white nightie she wore to bed.)
I also had the same thought that probably everyone else in the theater had: There is no way Bruce Banner's pants are that stretchy. Details, people, details.
But other than that, I had no complaints. They left it wide open for a sequel, and I am proud to say I can't wait. Who knows, maybe the fourth Incredible Hulk will look like this:

Oh come on Alicia! You so should have photo shopped your head onto that last Hulk! As always a completely entertaining review...and leave it to you to work in the Twilight angle. Bravo! Bravo!
O.k. so we watched this movie a couple of weeks ago and I really liked it. I heard what you thought a few weeks ago and when Ryan wanted to go I was like no. Plus I didn't like the first one. I like the show when I was a kid but didn't really want to go. Of course Ryan really wanted to go so I went and I was pleasently surprised. I am glad I am not the only girl that thought it was good. Love the picture of the girl.
Where did you get that photo of me Alicia? I've had that thing locked up for awhile.
I can't believe that it could be enjoyed. Seriously. But after you and Ro said that, could it be possible? I might cave in and try it out on DVD. Thanks. Hope you're feeling better too.
I love Ed Norton. I really do think he is an amazing actor. I love a movie that surpises you, and this sounds like it. Thanks for the review.
(How are you feeling?)
Wow, I have had no intentions to see this movie, but after reading that a woman actually enjoyed it, I think I might!
The last picture is nothing short of HILARIOUS!
Love Edward Norton. I've heard this Hulk is a better movie than the last one. Thanks for the review.
Funny pic at the end there!
That might be a good Sat night date for Lance and I. I am a hulk fan! I remember watching the show as a kid. The last picture made me laugh:) Thanks for your review.
I'm not much of a big, action type movie fan. Especially ones that involve comic book characters, but I'm sure my husband will love this one!
This is not my type of movie... I am not into this stuff at all! My hubby trys to convince me otherwise but I just don't like them!
I'm sitting here debating whether or not I will tell Jason about your review. It would be nice though to go to a show before lil' Carson comes along. Hmm...still debating!
While I have loved Ed Norton in every movie I have ever seen him in, most notably The Illusionist, Fight Club and Rounders (brilliant is even an understatement in Fight Club and Rounders, makes Brad Pitt and Matt Damon look like B-listers), nobody can every replace Lou Ferrigno as the Hulk. The end.
Wow, Bill must have done some fancy-talkin' to get you to go to this movie. Or else, you were just desperate for a night-out, who cares what the movie was, right? The review was great, the picture at the end is just plain scary. So, does this mean that Bill gets off work early enough some times that we can steal you for a girls night out movie, too?! I've been missing our movies out. And I hope this means you're feeling a bit better, too...
Great review, dare I say I might see it? :)
Thanks to everyone who asked about my health. I'm doing a lot better, I just still feel nauseous sometimes mid-day, especially if I go out in the heat. I know it was just a virus that is getting better every day.
Shayla-Bill does sometimes get off early, but it's completely random with no warning whatsoever. Our date night was a Saturday. I was just thinking today how long it's been since we've had a movie night out. It will have to be a Saturday night though, for me to go. We need to plan one asap!
Loved your review, loved the pictures, but I still have no desire to see this movie. Sorry, but Jeff will just have to go with another group of guys if he wants to see this one.
crazy that you would like this movie. I don't think i would, maybe i'll let mitch drag me to it.
That's so funny that you like this movie after all you were saying before. I'm actually interested in seeing it now. Mostly because I too LOVE Edward Norton. He's a great actor!!!! I actually just rented "The Illusionist" because 1)I heard it was good and 2)because of Edward. :) And your last picture was hilarious. I agree with Amy though - you should have photoshopped your face onto it. :)
I actually got dragged to this movie a couple weeks ago but I'm glad I was, and I really enjoyed it. I'm glad to see I'm not the only female to see it! There were a couple of scary parts (needles) that I just couldn't watch but for a comic book movie, i loved it! Great review
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