Thursday, October 9, 2008

Do You Ever...

Do you ever have those days where it seems like nothing ever goes right for you?
Do you ever think that if you don't get a vacation soon you might go postal?
Do you ever want to just plop down in the middle of it all and say "I give up?"
Do you ever marvel at how something you love to do can be so hard?
Do you ever wonder if you are the only one who feels this way?
Do you ever try to remember why exactly you signed up for this?
Do you ever feel like if you don't lay down right now and sleep you'll be sick?
Do you ever do your best at something but still come up short?
Do you ever pray for things to be just a little bit easier?

I do.


Amy said...

I do!!! Today is one of those days. My husband has been gone all week, and I'm ready to pull my hair out if I don't have some time to myself!

Nicole said...

Amen Sista!

Anonymous said...

almost every day. i'm thinking of reading 'if life were easy, it wouldn't be hard' by sherri dew to try and get some insight into this exact thing. i'm sure i make life a lot harder than it actually is. i'll let you know if the book is good.

meohmyers said...

You don't ever have to wonder if you're the only one who feels this way. I can guarantee every single person who will read this will relate to every thing you said. Chin up. Things can only get better, right?

[M] said...

yes, yes, and yes...
although i can say that going on vacation with children can be much more exhausting and stressful than just staying home.

MichelleB said...

Alicia, are you reading my mind?

Brenda said...

Yes 9X!

Don't ever feel alone!

Shayla said...

You know I do...especially this week. It's almost the weekend...

Brenda said...

Sure can least you didn't wake up this morning to realize you look like Clay Aiken right? :)

Amy J. said...

Who said anything about taking the kids on vacation with you!? I'm thinking beach alone with the hubby...does that sound about right! You just pin pointed my day yesturday.

Ms. Kristen said...

uhhhhhhhhhhh.....yeah! Everyday....!
Hang in there!

Lisa said...

pretty much on a daily basis as of late. Yes, a vacation. I close my eyes and daydream of driving somewhere, anywhere in my minivan with the windows down (well only the passenger side cuz the drivers side isn't working.) Set the cruise control (er, wait that doesn't work either.) Blast my ipod and drive. Let's do it. Let's just drive.

Anonymous said...

Girl, you underestimate yourself. BEaUTIful, funny, always smiling, and you have a ton of friends! and congrats on the weight loss, you lookin' good ;)