Thursday, October 23, 2008

Edward Doll

Check out this gem:

So very wrong in so many ways. Contrary to what you all may believe, I will NOT be purchasing one.


Amy J. said...

Seriously...who are they targeting? 8 year olds? 12 year olds? 39 year old? WOW.

dandee said...


Amy said...

He definitely looks like he's missing his machete. Why so stalker/murderish looking? It's just creepy. And a little to Wolverine meets the New Kids on the Block. Or something crazy like that.

Rachael said...

Just plain creepy.

Melissa Mae Johnson said...

My language may be inappropriate but it is the only thing that I can say in this situation. It is simply,"WHAT- the hell?"

JenFielding said...

"Harry, how do you like my 'Bring it on, Voldamort' face? If only I had this look before he used the killing curse on me..."

Brenda said...

Is that a life size doll?? ;)

Noelle said...

amen melissa - and life size doll? LOLOLOLO. funny person from davis family. where did you find this, alicia? seriously, are 5 year old girls going to start playing vampires? interesting trend that would be....

Alicia said...

Noelle- I found it on (yes, I'm a TwilightMom.)
Brenda-If it was life-size, I may actually consider buying it.

meohmyers said...

Your comment just made me laugh out loud. I saw this when they first posted about it and thought the same thing! Creepy! Maybe I'll go ahead and purchase you one for Christmas because I hear what you're really saying. You can't live without one!

Busy Bee Lauren said...

My mom said I should expect mine in my stocking. I am kinda afraid.