Thursday, October 23, 2008

That's It, I'm Homeschooling

What are they teaching my kid at school?! Yesterday Macy colored this:

What are they teaching in 2nd grade, some kind of math/sex ed hybrid class? And apparently mom + dad = angry devil children.


JenFielding said...

"Math/sex-ed hybrid"....that is the funniest thing I've ever heard. Did you ask her what they told her to draw? I guess it's a lot better than MOM + MOM or DAD + DAD = KIDS

Brenda said...

At least mom and dad look happy!

Amy J. said...

I commented aver an hour ago but blogger was down and it didn't save it. I am STILL laughing over the devil children. You better save this little gem..give it back to her the day before her wedding.

Heather said...

Payson looks super pissed.

Anonymous said...

actually, i think the dad's eyes are just as creepy. maybe genetics was at work here and they kids got the crazy devil eyes from the dad. see? they were haaving a lesson in genetics!

dandee said...

"devil children..." HILARIOUS!!!

Jessica said...

HA HA! I love finding stuff like this in my kids backpacks!

meohmyers said...

This is hilarious! Actually I think Macy was just drawing her Asian eyes. Aren't they like 1/8 Japanese or something?

Amy J. said...

Wow, Kim, you're good. They are 1/8 Japanese. I bet that was it, nice call!

Alicia Leppert said...

Yeah, that comment was actually me. I forgot I was logged in as Amy. It's a long story.