1. T-1 day til movie day. If I go a little crazy and freak out in the theater, I give you permission to completely deny knowing me (although since the entire theater will be made up of people we know, everyone will know you're lying. Or, you'll get away with it, because everyone will deny knowing me. But know this--if you do, I won't share my popcorn with you.) I have read just a few things about the New York Premiere and people who have seen it, but nothing too in-depth. I don't want to know pretty much anything about what people thought of it before I see it. (Sorry Marilyn, no emailing tomorrow!) I can't believe it's almost here.

2. GNO. I have been needing one for...oh my goodness, way too long. I think we're all a little overdue, at least my normal groupies are, and the fact that we finally get one AND it's to go see Twilight in a theater FULL of pretty much everyone we know AND we get to eat and hang out and talk afterward about (we hope) how amazing and wonderful the movie was, and the perfection that was Rob as Edward...yeah, doesn't get much better than that. Unless cheesecake is involved. That would be better.

3. 18 lbs., how do you like them apples?! I can't technically claim it til my next weigh-in, but my scale, which is not far off from our official weigh-in scale, says 18 (4 lbs. lost this week alone. I have no idea why) and I'm shouting it from the rooftops. And this is just the start, there will be no slowing down from here. Pretty soon you'll all get to meet the Alicia that has been hiding out for 7 years. She's...under...here...somewhere... (sorry, no picture of that)
4. Have to throw in this quote, because I am loving the interviews with Rob P. and Stephenie M.I love how down to earth they both are, Stephenie in a very real, I could totally be her friend way (and one day we will, be best friends) and Rob in a laid-back, goofball, this is all pretty bizarre way. But I love his sense of humor. I just read this quote and had to share it:
"Edward is 'the ideal, perfect man'. I felt like an idiot being like, 'Hi, I'm here for the ideal man audition.' " --Rob Pattinson. So funny.
5. Tonight I get to go to my ward's card swap night and after not having it last month (I won't name any names, but Brenda totally went and had to get the flu, what was that about?) we are all ready to have it again. I didn't think I was going to be able to go but now I do and I am super pumped about it. Mainly because I think my cards turned out really cute. What? I can brag. You're just jealous, don't lie.
(I was going to put a picture on here of my card, but I can't find my camera cable.)
6. Lastly, but certainly not least, something happened this week that could quite possibly give Twilight some competition in the Most Exciting Thing This Week department. It makes me a little nervous to post it, but ya'll are gonna find out anyway, and I'm so excited it's a little scary. In the very near future, the Leps will be rolling new school-style in our very own.................. ..............................................................................................................
Nissan Pathfinder!!!!!! Oh my gosh, I might scream. Goodbye ugly, old Beast with your hideous patches of sanded down primer. Hello beautiful, clean, smaller, fabulous white Pathfinder.
(This isn't our exact one, just a picture I found online of one just like it.)
It's always fun to have Best Weeks Ever, don't you think?
It's good to hear you're having such a great week! I love those :) Hey, I was thinking, that us girls of the Lindgren family need to plan a get together for next summer. Whaddya think?
Alicia, I'm just going to call you right now. We need to chat.
Sweet, a new ride. I'm kinda bummed because now I won't automatically KNOW it's you I see driving down the road.
I'm glad you are having such a great week. Totally jealous about 18 lbs, great job.
4 lbs. this week?!?! What the heck did you do? That's fantastic! I knew I should have said it yesterday when you dropped the kids off because now you won't believe me but I can totally tell you're losing. You are looking great!!! I'm so excited for your success!!
Oh my gosh. I can't wait till tomorrow night. It's going to be so much fun!
I'm so happy for you to get rid of your van. I know you're beyond elated for the Pathfinder. You'll be riding in style, now!
Alicia, it's so fun to read about what a great week you're having. You always entertain me so it's great to see you getting paid back. New ride? That is sweet! Now you won't have to park at Costco when you go to your high school reunion. And with your hot, skinny bod, you could pull up in the pathfinder and Bill could show up 2 minutes later on the motorcycle. Your classmates wouldn't know what hit them.
Damn Gina! Sounds like a good week! A little Edward, a lot of weight lost, and a new ride! Congratulations on all the good news. I just hope you love the movie, I would hate to see a replay of Breaking Dawn for ya....You might never recover!
Hello?? How about the awesome Brenda that totally skips out on her stake meeting to host card night? j/k I was so worried I would have to cancel again. I think I am the only person not going to the movie and I would prbably cave and buy tickets but I am sure they are sold out. *sigh* oh well.
Really, I'm not sure your week could get any better. I take that back. It would be better if Edward showed up on your door step. :) SO excited about your weight loss success and the new car!
holy cow lady...you totally scored this week! it's almost like a vacation without spending the money. how awesome is all of this fun times. and i seriously CANT wait for your review of 'THE MOVIE'. and just so you know..i would still admit to knowing you after you squeel like a 13 year old girl at a jonas brothers concert. i would admit it so i could still have some of your popcorn.
I am soooooo excited for tomorrow night! I can't wait! We're going to have so much fun. And I'm so excited for you and your 18 lb. weight loss. I KNOW I've probably gained (we'll see tomorrow) and probably not a little. I've been a little depressed lately and food makes me feel better. :( But I just need to get right back on, right? :) (and I'm jealous of your new car - you deserve it!)
I SAW IT!! You are either going to LOVE it or hate it. I loved it.
So if that dude is a vampire, how is he standing out in the sun by that car? Just wondering.
So I am so excited for you, except for the card swap night, of which you did not invite me. I am so ready for a fun GNO! I can't wait! How do you always seem to tell ordinary things in such an entertaining, comical way?
Silly Donald, everyone knows "real vampires sparkle." Twilight vampires glitter in the sun, it doesn't hurt them.
Can I just say I love you. And I love your blog. And we should meet and be friends in real life because I am convinced we are the biggest Edward fans in the world?
Umm...please e-mail me asap so we can discuss the movie! I love Movie Edward so much more. Heck I love him so much I will go as far as to call him Rob!
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