Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Next June, another little Baby Mathews (and by that I mean the last name will be Mathews) will be born, and I will become an aunt again! No, it's not Danyelle's.


Kris said...

Well, I know it's not Nan's either since she's due in May. Congrats to you, right? Hope you are feeling well.

Kris said...

Ok I'm such an idiot. I didn't read that YOU will be the aunt. I'm such a dork and I'm trying to delete my comment, but I can't find the trash button. DUH.

Marilyn said...

Okay, that's not nice...who is it??? There's only a few options...

Jodi said...

Okay Alicia, you've kept us in suspense long enough (can you tell I'm impatient?)...who is it??

Melissa Mae Johnson said...

Horray for Landon! Hey, will you email me HIS email? I need to catch up with ole Lando.

The Donald said...

Wow, the suspense is building!

Amy J. said...

I am so excited for Landon and Starlie...but I think my kids are even more excited. They love getting new cousins! I just hope they find out what they are having before Christmas so I can by them a cool present!

Marilyn said...

Wow! I am so thrilled for them. Thanks for clarifying!

andrea said...

So, I was just reading two other blogs that were announcing baby news, and I clicked on yours next. The title was "Exciting news" and the only thing I can see is a pic of a baby. Then I find out it's the baby of someone I don't even know??? NOT NICE, Alicia. But I guess congrats on the new neice/nephew.

Alicia Leppert said...

Heh, heh, sorry Andrea. I guess I figure everyone knows better than to think it's me. Trust me, if it's ever me, the blog title will be something like: MIRACLES DO HAPPEN!! So you'll know.

Anonymous said...

is this landon's first? i haven't spoken a word to landon in what seems like my entire life. thanks for keeping me posted.

Nicole said...

how exciting for Landon and Starlie!

Nancie said...

congrats to landon and starlie!