Friday, November 14, 2008



aubrey said... seem rather excited about something?


AOlson said...

That was awesome Alicia, THANKS!

ashley said...

great slide show! A lot of these pictures I hadn't seen yet, I can't wait! Have you gotten the Twilight soundtrack? I'm still debating if I should and if it's worth it to buy it for the cover picture inside, cause I'm not a huge fan of the music...but I'm sure after I see the movie I'll probably like it...

Alicia Leppert said...

Ashley, I feel the same way. I have no interest buying it right now, not my cup of tea, but I'm sure after the movie I'll want it.

Marilyn said...

That was awesome! Can't wait!

Amy said...

So, do you like Twilight?

Lisa said...

SO EXCITING!!! Jacob has grown up quite a bit since Shark Boy and Lava weird.

Amy J. said...

OK, those pics of Payson under his bed are so funny! Too cute. And let Bill know that he better be carefull...our XBox controllers just got hidden for at least a week! Who's the blond chick in the bed with the guy leaning over her?

Amy said...

Uh, so if I was, say, 13 again I would totally want a poster of the pic of Edward in the baseball shirt/uniform.