Monday, November 10, 2008

Today I Had To...

* Take Macy and Kenzie to school

* Take Payson and Colton to preschool

* Go to the girly doctor

* Pick up Payson and Colton from preschool

* Pick up Macy and Kenzie from school

* Watch Amy's kids while she goes to parent/teacher conferences

* Go to the dentist

* Clean my house

* Pay bills

* Run errands

* and about a million other things

But instead.....

My kids are home sick so I went back to bed.


Anonymous said...

hee hee hee ha ha ha. hope they are good sick, not the BAD sick. ;)

andrea said...

Oh no! I hope for your sake they are not the kind of sick you have to clean up after.

Shayla said...

Go to the girly doctor AND the dentist?! It's a good thing you got to go back to bed, that's a whole lot of no fun in one day. :-) I hope everyone feels better soon.

Amy said...

OH MAN! What a day!... that you might have had... hope your kids get better soon! don't want to put off the girly doctor too long... j/k

Alicia Leppert said...

Thanks everyone for your concern...just the good sick, thank goodness. One fever and one barking cough. No pukies. Whew.

aubrey said...

Big WHEW on the no pukies! Hate those!

Hope you get better soon so that you can go to the dentist and girly doctor! YIKES!

meohmyers said...

The girly doctor? Again, so soon? Weren't you just there? And the dentist? Is this deja vu or something?

Glad you got to go back to bed. This would have been quite the day for sure! And with no school tomorrow, you should be all ready to tackle Wednesday when that rolls around.

Marilyn said...

Madeline is sick too...hmmmm, I wonder who gave it to who? She ahs had a fever and chills and sore throat for two days now.

Rachael said...

Sometimes, you gotta do what ya gotta do! And going back to bed, is something that is totally worth doing...

PRP said...

Climbing back in bed sounds lovely today. Hope your kids are feeling better!