Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The Kind That Purrs

Introducing...uh....still searching for a name.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
I'm thinking of Edward, what do you think?
(If it was a girl it was going to be Renesmee.)

Oh, and, btw, that was really fun for me,
making you all try and figure it out!


Heather said...

So cute! A name........ how about Mike?

Ben and Alissa said...

Ben said when he stopped by last night Macy came to the door and said "We got a kitten!" So he had to peak in to see him, what a cute little kitten!

Hmm, for names, I'm not the biggest fan of human names for pets, so something like Whiskers? or Fluffy McWhiskerson?

Busy Bee Lauren said...

I say Wookie.

aubrey said...

I like Edward, I really do (surprisingly)!! He is adorable!

Mike 'n' Cindy Brinkerhoff said...

Looks a lot like the one we got back in June that was going to be Bella... until "she" turned out to be a "he".

Now he's Jasper.

Alicia Leppert said...

Mike, that's so funny because we seriously considered Jasper! It's a great cat name, but I just don't love the character so much. I think we might have a name, but I want to hear everyone's suggestions first.

Amy said...

Cute! He has to be Edward. So appropriate.

ashley said...

Oh he's so cute!! Edward is definitely a keeper of a name, but I think maybe Jasper if he likes to bite :)

melissa mae said...

Oh I'm so jealous! How I want an pet! You should name him fartnugget.

linda said...

Thanks, now David wants a cat...

Anonymous said...

if his name is edward, i'd call him Ed. like the horse. i love nick names for pets. i think our first dog will be 'buddy'.

dandee said...

I don't know about the name, I'm just trying to figure out how I'm ever going to get my children in your house again.

tharker said...

So fun for your kids! He is very cute!!

As for a name...I've got nothin ;)

[M] said...

I like Edward and Jasper. I still can't images out of my head of you letting Soltice lick cheetos off your tongue. I'm seriously scarred:)

Alicia Leppert said...

Oh, M-A, thanks for putting that out there in cyberspace for all to read! No one will ever come to my blog again. ;)

Rachael said...

I just showed Colton the picture, and his response was, "But Bill's allergic." How or why does he think that?

I got nothin for a name, but I have to say, I always thought having an animal was an opportunity to pick a name that isn't actually a name, like Oreo, or Tiger. I am sure what ever you guys pick will perfect. Ooh, what about Han Solo?

Tara Cobia said...

I'm all about giving pets names that are non-human names. Not that Edward is a bad name, but it's always fun to see what crazy name you can come up with for a pet. Just imagine a name that you'd love to be calling out that would make people's heads turn b/c they can't imagine why you'd be calling out such a thing ;) Nothing bad, of course. Like, "Cinnamon", or "Peppermint Stick", "Jumpy", "Roaring Tiger, Hidden Dragon" maybe?! Have some fun with it. I'm sure you kids can come up with a fun name.

Marilyn said...

I never took you for a cat person, so I'm slightly surprised. But he's a cutie. My kids will be jealous.