I really, really like American Idol. I'm not like, a crazy superfan, (you know the type, those obnoxious people who find something they love and become overly obsessive about it? Yeah...those type.) but I do like me some A.I.
Season Eight has not disappointed. It's been as entertaining as all the rest (although that statement makes it seem like all the other seasons were entertaining, and anyone who watched Season Three knows that just isn't true.) and promises just as much talent. I've enjoyed it immensely.
Except one thing.

Cara. Cair-a. Cah-ra. Either way, I'm not a fan. Let me tell you why.
1. I am a firm believer in "if it isn't broke, don't fix it," at least when referring to judges on American Idol. WTC, people? It was just fine. Seven seasons of the same three people with their quirks and their corny jokes and their faux lover's quarrels. Three people we all grew to love. So why, in the name of Mike, would they suddenly decide to throw in a fourth person? It throws everything off when they vote. Oftentimes it's two against two, creating a tie, which apparently means the contestant has made it through (???) Two out of three made a whole lot more sense.
2. Who is she? Is she a singer? Is she a producer? Is she a songwriter? They've made reference to all three, but it's all a bit shady in my opinion. And apparently she has fans but I've never heard of her which means she can't be all that famous.
3. She dominates the judge's panel. She ALWAYS has to get a word in. Even on the ridiculous people who tried out with the hopes of getting on tv, the horrible ones that Simon, Randy and Paula know not to waste any breath on, she still has to jump in there with her wealth of knowledge on all things musical and give said contestant sound advice. Lighten up...some of these are meant to receive the blank stare from the judges and nothing more.
4. If there was any chance of me liking this woman, it was gone with Bikini Girl. I know you remember Bikini Girl, because, hello, she was mostly naked when she auditioned and she talks like a porn star. I love that Paula and Cair-uh were disgusted by her--I was disgusted by her. It's people like her that make me ashamed to be a woman. But I gotta give the girl props for calling it exactly as it was last night when she said that Cah-ruh started to feel threatened and that's why she had to sing. It was so the truth. I was so unbelievably annoyed when she (Cair-u) jumped up and started singing a Mariah Carey song, dancing all hip-hopish. I was embarrassed for her but mostly I wanted to punch her. Kudos to you, Cer-ah. You wanted us to all know what a fabulous singer you are and you found a way. You can sleep better tonight knowing you sing better than Bikini Girl.
5. Her shirts. I wonder if it is actually against her religion to cover her shoulders.
Okay, I'm getting nit-picky here, but in all seriousness, something about her just rubs me the wrong way. You know it's bad when she makes me love Paula.
So...weigh in. Do you like Ckairhuh?
I don't watch much tv, and not A.I., but this post made me chuckle and I'm going to see if I can check it out the internet.
I love Cara. I think after seven seasons, they needed to bring in something. I was aprehensive at first when i heard about them adding a fourth judge but i actually love it! She brings some fresh air. And i totally hate bikini girl...
I chuckled every time you typed Cara's name different in your post, so funny! I'm not sure what I think of her, though. She does have to get a word in all the time. She kinda seems like a cross between Simon and Paula. She tells it like it is, like Simon, but she's a little more sensitive to feelings, except for the time she made a big deal about the one girl being class clown or whatever it was and then assumed the audition was a joke when it wasn't. That was pretty mean.
Agreed. I just really don't see her point. Why is she even there? She doesn't add anything to the show. And yes, what is her background? You know what? Maybe I'll judge season 9, so they can have another extra judge who no one's ever heard of. I know music, right?
...why, in the name of Mike...
Hey, don't drag me into this!!!
I was cautiously optimistic when they announced her. She's actually written several songs I really like, so I thought she'd be a good insight.
But every point you just made highlights that my caution was well placed, and my optimism was misguided.
She Gotsta Go.
Ckairhuh--that's hilarious. I'm indifferent about her. I didn't see the bikini girl showdown, but I did see bikini girl and she makes me sick. I especially hate how much Simon doesn't try to hide the fact that he's totally in to girls who will show up wearing nothing, are jerks to the other contestants and only care about themselves. I think Paula is on her last leg with AI so they brought Cair-face in so that when Paula leaves there will be a somewhat familiar face to replace her.
Staci texted me the other day to say she thinks I look like Cara.
i like her, sorry...i love the songs she's written, i think she has a great voice, i like having someone new (the other 3 were getting boring), and if i had great arms like her, i'd show them off also! just sayin....
All of the different variations on her name are cracking me up! I'm still a bit undecided on the Karah (or however it's spelled) factor.
I don't HATE her, I like that she is a talented singer/songwriter and therefore has the knowledge and credentials to back up her critiques..but I am with you 110% on the bikini girl showdown. It annoyed me when Cara felt it necessary to show her up with her singing abilities. I think it just showed her need to prove herself as the newcomer. It was pathetic.
But, I don't HATE her, I actually kind of like her.
I still have never watched a single episode of American Idol.
I know, I hate myself.
I think she's ok. I absolutely HATED that she felt she had to prove herself to stupid bikini girl (don't even get me started on her...) and that automatically deducted credibility points in my book (I had never heard of her until the first episode aired.) But I think she gives good feedback and I don't find her annoying.
I am loving this season so far, although some of my favs from auditions didn't make it through Hollywood. But there are some people I'm really looking forward to seeing more of! Aw man, is there really still 5 more days until it's on again?!
Oh my goodness....I was fine with her until I read your points of view.....now you have me second guessing myself. I thought I liked her as a judge, but you present a very convincing argument. Hmmmm....
great post Alicia.
I like her, but sometimes it does seem like she's trying too hard to prove that she belongs as a judge.
i have commented almost every show on her shirts. she obviously is not shy when it comes to showing some skin.
my take on her is that they couldn't fire paula. but paula is aging and was never that hugely popular as a singer in the first place, so i think they wanted to bring someone in who is in the business NOW, like simon cowell is in the business now.
i like how cara (your spellings are totally awesome - you could right a "how to spell your name if you live in utah" book with all sorts of crazy spellings for normal names. or makining ghetto names for girls from tooele.
and about the bikini girl thing, atleast she can sing. paula would never in her life be able to try and out sing a contestant and though i found it funny at the time ,i see your point of the immaturity of it all. but alteast she can sing. finally. phew! that was long!
I can't think of anything fun and witty to say, so I am going to say nothing at all, you will have to always wonder if I like her or not...and deep down don't we all want to sing in front of America in just a Bikini...or is it just me...and Bikini Girl.
Ok the only episode that I have even see this year was the one with th "bikini girl" addition. I had the same thoughts about the singing show down. What was the purpose of that?
Why do you and I see the opposite in everthing? Except, The Bikini Girl?!!!!! That is something we agree on!
Love you Alicia!
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