Butterflies? Check. Shaking hands? Check. Questioning my sanity? Check.
I have officially decided to share some of my novel with all of you. WHAT?! Did I just say that? Yeah, I did, so I can't take it back now. I have been sending sections as I write them to a certain cousin of mine who works at a certain company that just gave me a certain job and she has given me the confidence I need to share with more people. (Hopefully she's not reading this right now and thinking, "Oh crap, Alicia, I was just being nice!") Anyway, Tuesdays here at my Corner will now be known as Teaser Tuesday. I will give you just some small snippets of my novel and that way I will not only be prevented from abandoning this idea again, but I will also be motivated to keep writing even when the motivation has left me temporarily. Let it be known that feedback of any kind is appreciated. (Just please don't make me cry.)
So, without further ado, here is a taste of "Untitled." (Catchy name, eh?)
My world is a dark and lonely place. Each day, like the one before it, I drift through, unfeeling, unthinking. Some time ago I discovered that life was semi-livable if I refrained from feeling. I was only ever one thing—numb.
All around me, people go about their lives, talking, laughing…living. It used to make me ache—the envy I had for all the happy people. But even that, over time, faded to nothing. Now I don’t notice the laughter. I’m oblivious to the smiles, the cheerful banter that surrounds me. It’s amazing how alone you can feel in a city of 582,000 people.
I live alone in a cold, empty studio apartment. The tiny square room closely resembles a cell. That’s my life: solitary confinement.
Here, in this desolate place that perfectly reflects my soul, my story begins.
© A. Leppert 2009
I love it! And I'm not just saying that. Alicia it sounds so great! I love the details (but it's not too much that it'll get tedious to read). I love the mood you've already created for the rest of the story. I'm so excited you decided to do this! Tuesday's are my new favorite day!
I was just going to say I think Tuesdays might be one of my new favorite days! I love it! I am so hooked!! I can't wait to see the rest of it!
Ok, I'm hooked. Who is this person and why is their life so miserable?!?! Please include the novel in its entirety next week, I don't think I could take this "snippet" stuff. That was so good it made me cold. I'm gonna go wrap up in a blanket.
(ditto warning)
Ok, I'm hooked! I think Teaser Tuesdays should give a little more!!
Can I assume the soap poisoning comes later in the story?
more! more! I want to read more!
I really do, I can't wait to read where it goes and why this person is so unhappy!
good luck!
Oh my heck, Alicia. I have a movie in my head playing right now. I always know a book is good if it starts a movie playing in my head. I can see the character, I can see the setting, I can feel the depression. It's so amazing. You have a gift. And I will be your biggest fan, by the way. :)
oh yeah, you have me hooked. i want to find out WHY she's so lonely and I want her to come out NOT alone! this is awesome. thanks for the teaser. what a great, courageous idea. can't wait for tuesdays.
OOOOOOH, as I was reading it I was imagining telling people as they are standing in line for your novel, "yah, she's my cousin. I've had farting contests with her"
I can't wait to read more!
Good start - I will be back next week (well before but you know what I mean).. can't wait for the rest!
K, where's the rest?! I'm totally intrigued already. You're so brave to put it out there, once again I'm wishing I was a little bit more like you. Can't wait for next Tuesdays snippet...oh now the pressure is on. :-)
After reading this, I feel like I do when I watch a pilot for a great new show, and love it. But I'm so sad because then I have to wait an ENTIRE week to catch the next installment.
You are a very good writer, Alicia. I really can't wait to see where this story leads!
I am going to LOVE Tuesdays! This is a great beginning, I'm totally hooked! You really are a great writer Alicia, and I can't wait for the next teaser! Thank you for sharing with us something so dear to you :)
Isn't it obvious everyone...she is so deep in depression due to being tramatized in earlier years with soap poisoning. Ok that was a very very lame attempt at not repeating the same thing everyone else has said about this awesome read.
I'm reading this right now and thinking, "Holy cow she's really doing it. And now that she's committed herself to Teaser Tuesday I'm going to get more updates! Holla!"
I've said it before, I'll say it again, this is SO good and there is only more goodness to come.
Oh My Goodness Alicia!!! I am hooked! Next Tuesday is too far away. That was a very good snipet! Sounds like a winner!
How about instead of posting snippets on Tuesdays, you post on days that begin with "T"? Or days that have "t" in them? Or better yet, the letter "y"? Maybe tomorrow can be Wacky Wednesday with a surprise snippet coming out of nowhere. Whoa! No one saw that coming! (I haven't been getting enough sleep lately, can you tell?)
Seriously, this was intriguing. I look forward to more!
when your book becomes a movie...don't forget that i want to be an actress (in the worst way.)
my qualifications, you ask? i can do happy (hahaha) and sad (sniff sniff) but most impressive confusion (wait, what?)
impressed? think about it.
It's like you're dangling a carrot in front of us and all of a sudden snatch it away. You're good!
Oh my gosh. I can totally picture this as the opening scene in the movie as the main character narrates and pulls us in. Wait. It's already a movie in my head. I CAN'T wait to read more! 2 thumbs up already!
It sounds great Alicia! So when you are finished with it, what will you do? Will you try to get it published? Jared's cousin wrote a novel and he uploaded it to podiobooks.com. Just another option....
Tuesday's will now become my favorite blogging day...I'll have something to look forward to reading.
I honestly think it's really good, and the kind of start that effectively pulls the reader in.
Love it - can't wait for more. And TEASER Tuesday is a perfect title.
You have a real talent Alicia! I do not want to wait a week. I want to know more!
Oh, man! I have to wait until next Tuesday for more?!
I'm so glad you are sharing!
sounds good so far....I am so impatient, I might have to wait a few months, then read all the snippets at once!
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