Friday, March 13, 2009

Your Presence Is Requested

I want to thank everyone who commented on my oh-so-serious post yesterday. I know that these kinds of posts usually send people running for the hills, unsure of what to say or how to say it. So I truly appreciate the people who took the time and effort to say something, and the "somethings" that were said were so thoughtful and heartfelt and made me feel loved and not so alone, which was my whole goal in the first place. So thank you, truly.

On a much brighter note, something I am so excited about ....................drumroll...............................................................................................................................


Next Saturday Twilight comes out on DVD and I thought it appropriate to host a Twilight viewing party! What?! This is the most exciting news you've heard in a long time? Well then by all means, come to my house next Saturday night to watch it! *Edward will be here, so you have to come. I might even wear my Team Edward shirt and matching bracelet (bought in Forks, which makes me cool) but you won't know unless you come.

So, write this on your calendar asap:

7:00 PM

If you are coming a) you rock and b) bring a snack
because everyone knows you can't have a movie
night without snacks. Oh and bring a friend, and
spread the word, because everyone deserves to
partake in Edward's cold stone perfection.


*Edward will not be here


linda said...

Aw man! We will be in Portland seeing Wicked that day! That sounds like tons of fun though!!!

Shayla said...

What?! You mean, Edward's not *really* going to be there?! Oh well, I guess I'll come anyway. :-) Can't wait!!

Cindy Brinkerhoff said...

How exciting! I will have to convince Mike and he may even where his "I'm her Edward shirt"...I will most certainly wear my "Bite me Edward" shirt and I also have a bracelet from forks. Mine is a real gift from Edward though ;p

Mike 'n' Cindy Brinkerhoff said...


And we'll bring snaxx!

Busy Bee Lauren said...

I wish I could come :(

Jodi said...

I love your asterisk comment! Too funny! I will put it on my calendar and will be there with snack in hand! YAY!! :)

ashley said...

I wish I could come...but I promise I'll be watching it here! Maybe Lauren's Pocket Edward could make a special appearance? But I will admit, he is quite the busy vamp these days!

Ms. Kristen said...


Once again you are truly honest...and that is why I love you so much! I just read your previous blog, and it reminds me of myself. Sometimes I feel like I am so busy....I forget to do and say things to the most important people, my children! I feel we all have things we need to work on! Thank goodness we will never be perfect! Cause we can't! Love you! I will be Vampin' it with my hubby! Thanks for the invite, though!

Amy said...

I may just have to give in and watch twilight... because a night out of the house after a week of my husband being gone sounds AWESOME.

AOlson said...

Sounds like a great time!! I will be watching it with my hubby here at home and looking forward to it!! You really are a great person Alicia.

Amy J. said...

So why arne't there Twilight posters all over Walmart and such!? I had no idea it was coming out already. Im in.

Nicole said...

This sounds so fun, to watch Twilight with the expert, but I'll be out of town. darn it!

Ben and Alissa said...

I just realized I still hadn't left a comment! I'm coming!

Unknown said...

Alicia, I so wish I could be there...but alas I am far to far away now on top of in laws are coming here from Pasco...but it would be so fun to watch it with you...!