I have to pause the Disneyland posting for a moment to blog about this. Adam Lambert. He hadn't done much for me this season except for that I thought he was hot (under all that makeup). But each week he caught my attention more and more with his musical talent, his versatility, and his flawless performances.
But last week he cemented my suspicion that he will win this season. There is no doubt in my mind. His performance last Tuesday was nothing short of amazing and I haven't stopped thinking about it. I bought the song on iTunes and it is hands down my new favorite song. It's haunting, it's mesmerizing, it's chilling. Listen here. (I tried to get his live performance, but due to copyright laws, it was nigh impossible. This version is better anyway--the whole song.) What say you?
I totally agree. I think he is the for sure winner if he does more songs like this one and less like the one he did tonight. He's easily the most talented singer on the show but sometimes he gets a little crazy up there on stage. I have liked him since day one.
I think he looks like Zac Efron.
Oh, and I think the piano on this song sounds like Bella's song that Edward plays on the movie. I love it.
that song has always been one of my favorites, especially the version from "Donnie Darko"
I am sooo with you on this one. I. LOVE. HIM. I love every performance of his and I think I have listened to his last week's performance more times than I can count. And I'm with you on the hotness too.
AMAZING!! Definately the hands down winner!!!
I have to be the dissenting voice I guess. I CAN'T STAND HIM! I agree that he is talented, that he will probably win, and that he is by far the most creative...but I cannot stand his screaming, his theatrics, his makeup and black nail polish...he just rubs me the WRONG way.
The only performance that I remotely enjoyed was the Smoky Robinson "Tracks of my Tears."
But thank goodness we are all entitled to our own opinion. Love ya Alicia!
I'm with Marilyn on this one. There is absolutely no doubt that he is uber talented. And I did love last week's song, but I just don't care for him. I loathe the screaming. Loathe it.
Does he deserve to win? Hands down yes, because is the most talented and creative on the show. Just not my style. And that's okay.
we've bought two of his songs on itunes. i think abe and i are some of the only people who LOVED is indie version of 'ring of fire'. LOVE it. and the tears for fears song that he redid last week was awesome. it too is my new favorite song. last nights wasn't too hot. it was ok, it was pretty rockin' but it was my least favorite song he's done so far. but i keep thinking i need to start voting so he wins. but then they'd probably save him if he didn't.
Let me clarify that a) I wrote this before last night's show b) that I am not a fan of his rock music. I didn't like the song he did last night, BUT like some of you, it's purely personal taste. I can't deny that even his screeching rock sounds professional, like something you'd already hear on the radio. He is a natural. The fact that he can do that so convincingly AND haunting ballads makes him the most deserving of the win. IMO, of course.
He is talented for sure. Just a little too over the top for my taste. I do find his creativity refreshing though.
I love that he is over the top! I love the rocker in him! I love his black nail polish. I love his eye liner. I love his black gloves.....I love Adam Lambert! I love his hip jirasions!!!! And he will be the next American Idol!
I can pick em the first day I lay my eyes on em!
And, That is all I havee to say...and I'm stickin to it!
I'm glad I took the time to listen to exactly what song you were talking about, because I totally thought you meant "Born to be Wild"- which I hated. I thought "Mad World" was great, but I liked "Tracks of your Tears" from the week before that better.
Ok, I am trying really hard not to just go on and on. But I will say I like him, I think he is talented and deserves to win (though there are three or four I'd be ok with winning), and I think he'd be good looking if he didn't look so much like a girl. He's a little too femme for me.
Yah, I have to agree. I love Adam - I look forward to his songs every week, but I don't like to watch him. I don't think he's cute at all. Sorry. :) But he's amazing and I think it's awesome when he can "scream" those high notes.
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