"Wait!" She yelled, grabbing her bowstaff as she ran out the door. He stopped and turned, squinting at her face, one hand on the car door.
"You can't leave. Not yet." She was straining to keep her voice calm. The last thing she wanted was for him to know how much she was hurting.
"Why not?" He growled. "You don't want me here. I know you don't trust me. Ever since I joined the circus you've been distant. It's just not the same anymore." He looked away, and she realized he was fighting back tears himself.
"Rudolfo..." What could she say? How could she tell him the one thing that she swore she would never tell a single soul? He stared at her, so intensely she felt the urge to run and hide.
"Rudolfo, I need to tell you something." She gazed at his red foam nose, terrified. "Renesmee didn't die in that avalanche." She watched his eyes widen in shock, but forced herself to go on. "It was me...I did it. I killed her."
Rudolfo's mouth slowly dropped open, and it was moments before he could speak. "H--how?"
Absiddy turned her face away, ashamed to look him in the eye. "It....it was....soap poisoning!"
© A. Leppert 2009
Bowstaff?? Joining the circus!!??
I read and reread the first several paragraphs... I must be missing something. So I went on.
Red foam nose? Renesmee?
Ah, here it is... soap poisoning! That explains it. So then I read it all again and enjoyed the weirdness. Nicely written though!
You had me at bowstaff.
Thanks for the laugh!! :)
Thank you. I REALLY needed that today! :)
I was soooo starting to worry about you after bowstaff. Then you moved onto circus, and I thought, really? Is she serious? Then the names, and the noses, etc. Funny part is, is that if you edit out all the obviously odd parts, it's still pretty good!
You were scaring me a little bit there...the red foam nose? Really? :-)
haha! thanks so much for that :)
Lol. After I read "bowstaff" I was trying to think of a way to say I thought it was a joke without hurting your feelings. Whew!
Pure genious Alicia...pure genious.
I too was wondering how bowstaff could possibly fit into your story. You are hilarious!!!
call me a jerk but i was going to tell you that the bowstaff reminded me way too much of napoleon dynamite. :) and then the names! oh, honey, my mind was racing trying to figure out how to word it nicely to ask if this was a joke.
so now you know you can write both a serious and a comedy book!
Noelle--Glad you picked up on the N.D. reference.
Dude?!! Am I the only one taking your book seriously?! Your "friends" are harsh. Guess I can count on the lead in the movie, ey?
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