On Saturday Macy become an official member of
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. She was giddy with excitement to be baptized.

I got a little verklempt watching Bill baptize my baby girl in the same font that I was baptized in 21 years ago. (BTW, he is wearing socks. He doesn't have albino feet.)

It was so awesome that Macy got to be baptized with two of her friends. These three are in the same church class and the same class at school.
Kenzie, and Macy
It was such a special day made even more special by the friends and family who came to support Macy. Thank you all!
It was a great day, wasn't it? Macy was so sweet, they all were. I was so impressed with the Stake and how smoothly the night went, overall. We love that we got to be a part of your night, as well as you a part of ours. :-)
Congratulations Macy, you look gorgeous in white.
Congratulations Macy!
I wasn't really with it enough to get a picture on Saturday, so I'm glad that you got one of all 3 of them. Would you please email it to me. It was such a nice baptism.
I am so glad it went well. congrats to Macy (and Kinzie and Chandler) Wish we could have been there but my kids have been sick and I figure no one wants me bringing them around. (they are home from school today and driving me batty)
Yay! What a great day it is to be baptized.. I still remember mine as if it were yesterday, or last year.... Wait. It WAS last year!!
Well way to go macy, wish we could have been there too.
aw, that is sweet! congrats macy!
I can't even imagine my 1st born being 8 and being able to be baptised...what an exciting day it must have been for you :)
It was really nice...and a lot more personal than I remember my own Stake baptism. I will have to get you the cute pictures I took of her outside with the cousins. Beautiful weather too!
I can't believe you have an 8 year old! Congrats to Macy, it really is one of the most special days.
How exciting! And ao special you were baptized in the same font!
SO happy for Macy and so thrilled we could be there. We really love your sweet family.
Congratulations Macy!
How in the world is she already 8? Time flies!
Congrats Macy!
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