Conversation at our house night before last:
Payson: "How do babies get in tummies?"
Bill: "Uhhhh......."
Macy: "Yeah, how do they?"
Me: "Ummmm.....remember we told you Heavenly Father puts the babies in the mommies' tummies?"
Payson: "But, do you just ask Him?"
Bill, under his breath to me: "Yeah, or you're just reckless."
Macy: "Yeah, do you just pray? Or do you say out loud 'I wanna baby?' "
Bill, laughing: "See, there's this 'special hug'...."
Me, intercepting: "There's something special that mommies and daddies have to do when they're ready, that we'll tell you about when you're a little bit older."
Macy: "Like when I'm ten? Cause I'm ten in two years."
Me: "Sure, when you're ten." Or twenty, whatever.
What a sweet conversation - "But, do you just have to ask Him?" So cute! I laughed at the "special hug" thing since Ben and I sometimes say that ever since Lauren mentioned it on her blog.
It was even funnier hearing it the second time! My question is what the heck was on Payson's mind to bring about such a question. Maybe it was the baby kitties.
Oh my heck...and that clip art is perfect! I love it.
Awesome. I really need a lesson plan written up for me on this subject. You know...like the primary manuals. Why can't they just make one for the "sex talk" so we know exactly what to say? Yeah, good luck with that, right?
one day after having this exact (what in the heck do you tell them?) discussion at girls night out, i told abe and that night without saying anything, he pulled brigham down in his room and just told him flat out what happens. i hear that nowadays all children should be told the correct way and terminology in 3rd grade!!! can you believe it? but since people are pretty much doing that special hug in 6th grade i guess it makes sense. barf.
Oh. My. That is almost the exact conversation I had with Spencer, only his started with asking if I'm going to have any more babies, and how Heavenly Father knows that I don't want any more and then the how, when's, why's of that whole situation, ending with "how do babies get in tummies." I don't even remember my answer, I just hurriedly changed the conversation. Luckily, I wasn't being tag-teamed.
I'm totally going to start using the "special hug" lingo with Jason. He'll love hearing Bill's attempt at explaining.
LOL... that's hilarious!
That is good! I like the "special hug". Caitlyn was asking me the other day too....what does one do?
This is so hilarious! I just read this outloud to Marcus and Carolyn and we can't stop laughing! Good answers though :)
Literally Laughing Out Loud!!
Oh dear I'm soooo dreading this day!!! You two rocked those answers! I may steal the "hug" idea. ;)
That is so funny!
Bills answer cracks me up.
I think you handled this question very well.
That is one of the funniest things I've read in a long time. I REALLY needed a laugh today!
Gotta love these moments with our kids! Hannah and I had "the talk" about a month ago. It was one of the most stressful (for me ;), yet spiritual conversations I've ever had. It's crazy to me to think that my 9 year old knows these things, but it came at a time when she was ready. I think that made all the difference.
I love that Bill said, "Yeah, or you're just reckless." So funny!
lol - I'm with Amy, love the clipart too.
"special hug"??? OMGsh i don't even have words right now. i think i would died of uncontrollable laughter if steve said, "special hug" you can't see me, but i'm totally LATCS (laughing at the computer screen) i know, i'm like super trendy.
A HUG? Is that what it takes? I thought it was washing your underwear in the same load. No wonder I have 5...We've been doing it all wrong!
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