So, I'm here, sick again. I know what you're thinking, "She gets sick a lot." But really, I just always get sick in the spring and summer, when the rest of the world gets it in the fall and winter. I'm weird like that. This time it's the beloved head cold, at least it's not the flu. But I'm still miserable and wishing I could be put out of my misery. I am missing the pool, blogging, and living life in general. I even started my Harry Potter movie review and have yet to finish it. Needless to say, there will be no Teaser Tuesday tomorrow. But if the stars align, maybe there will be less nasal pressure and phlegm.
I always get at least one good summer cold, and I swear they are worse than the ones in the winter. Maybe it's because it's so blasted hot out, or maybe it's like you said, we just miss out on all the fun, and who wants that?!
Hope the stars align for ya!
Sorry, that was me, not Spencer ;)
Sorry you're sick. Head colds are no fun at all. You saw Harry Potter!!!?? I haven't seen it yet. I can't wait to hear what you thought.
Blech! Sorry you are a sicky-poo. I just got over a nice weekend of the flu.....POO! It's the worst being sick in the summer. I think the only nice thing is that you can hang out in the sun and let it bake the germs out of ya!
Hope you get to feeling better soon!
Feel better soon! I'm so excited to hear your thoughts on Harry Potter, we finally watched it last night and it was great!
Phlegm!!!! They could have totally used that word in that funny alphabet song by Bare Naked Ladies where all the words were crazy like that...P is for Phlegm. But I guess Pneumonia was a good word too, hope you don't get Pneumonia! And yes I had to look up how to spell Pheumonia, pathetic.
Poor Alicia! That's lame! You need to get better so you can finish your Harry Potter review! I've been DYING to read it!!!
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