I am so out of it, Twilight-wise. I didn't even know the official New Moon movie poster had been released until I saw the actual poster at Walmart, like in the swinging poster rack, between Hannah Montana and The Jonas Brothers.
I hate it. Well, not all of it. I'm lovin' Edward. (Obviously.) I'm lovin' Jacob. I'm hatin' Bella with her painted face and engagement picture pose and the fact that they are making it look like she has cast Edward aside for Jacob. Hi, poster people...read much?
Meet the Wolf Pack. Grrrrrrr......

This picture makes me think of that joke from grade school...

Even though this scene rends my heart in two, this picture is hilarious. It looks like Edward is about to be sick in Bella's hair. If you ignore the grimace, you can tell just how dramatic this scene will be.

This picture almost has me batting for Team Jacob. Almost.

Only 4 months to go...
the second time I read the books I was totally team jacob and I was almost ashamed about it. But I was a little tired of Edwards so serious personality. I liked that Jacob made Bella laugh and was kind of feisty. But I liked Edward for Bella. I liked Jacob for me. ha ha
I sooo agree with the poster thing. OK...so how are you so dang funny that late at night. And I want way more info on the Ward Wolf.
Last picture=WOW! It almost feels wrong, isn't he like 17? Whatever...
Hey, I'm so bummed I didn't get to see you in Pasco. Next time FOR SURE. I kept trying to get everyone together at the same time but someone (or their kids) was always sick. Big bummer. Anyway, I hope you are feeling better. Oh, and do you know why they picked another new director for Eclipse? I can't keep up.
Fact = I have the number of the guy in Stephenie's ward. We are going to do a phone interview this weekend!
Wow, I love the poster! Looks like we need to do an update of your movie queen header... I'm sure you're totally annoyed with me for not having images on there for so dang long. I'm hating it on my blog, too. I promise to get on that soon... :-)
Um...YUM!!! :) I'm so glad the wig is gone and I'm LOVING The wolf pack.
I am so excited to see this movie! I had my doubts that the original Jacob would look mature enough for New Moon, but I was clearly wrong! Edward does look like he is going to be sick in Bella's hair ha ha!
I am loving me the last poster, the short hair rocks and really makes him look older for this new movie. I am thrilled for the movie. Have you seen the new clips released from the Com Can film festival.
I feel a "ladies night" comin' on!?! Even if it is 4 months away!
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