I can't believe that summer is over, and school is back in session. NEVER has a summer flown by so quickly for me. It was a summer of exciting accomplishments for us, with both my kids learning to ride their bikes without training wheels (on the same day...thanks Grandma!) and Payson learning to swim with no swimmies in the deep end. Why do they grow so fast? Which leads me to...
Macy's first day of 3rd grade

(The sun is bright in her face, and a million degrees. She insisted on wearing her new school clothes, even though it meant being covered in thick fabric from head to toe. I remember doing the EXACT same thing as a kid. She came home miserable, announcing she will be wearing her old summer clothes tomorrow.)
Payson's first day of Kindergarten

(He was all too happy to wear old summer clothes. I had to drag him to get new school clothes. He begged to wear shorts, so at least I had one comfortable kid at school today. This picture makes it look like he has a hole in the head.)
I wanted a picture of him walking out with his class. I ran over just in time to capture this precious moment. Mrs. W. had no idea I was watching as she kissed his swirl goodbye. My heart was full.

Hot, exhausted, and bursting with first day excitement,
my two scholars.

Oh my goodness what a priceless photo! I love that he is kind of in a shy pose! I love that she had no idea you were watching!
Macy looks like she is about to pass out from heat exhaustion in that last picture...silly girl! :)
They both look so cute! Macy's new shirt is very cute! I'm sure she'll love wearing even more in a month or so. I love Payson's swirl! You've mentioned it before but I don't know that I've noticed it's so pronounced!
I love Payson’s swirl and he will hate it when he is a teenager (no worries, that is still a few years away). Macy is smiling just like her dad.
oh my goodness Alicia, something about this post had me laughing out loud...
the hole in the head comment, remembering that I was exactly the same about wearing new [hot] clothes the first day, and then deciding wiser on day 2, so funny.
thanks for making me laugh.
I noticed Macy getting out of your car yesterday with a long sleeve shirt and new jeans and thought to myself, "she's going to be hot in those...but I bet she insisted cause they were NEW clothes". This year I didn't even buy any long sleeve shirts yet, because I'm tired of having these exact same arguments with Kenzie. At least she looked good, though, right? :-) I can't believe how much Payson has grown up this summer!
i'm glad they had a great first day of school! mine did too. what class is macy in?
This was a great post! I love that Macy wanted to wear her new clothes but decided against it for day 2. And I LOVE the pic of Mrs. W kissing Payson's swirl. How cute is that?! Love her. What a great first day!
It's all cute! Just cute!
Marcy, she is in Mrs. Reisenweber. (sp?)
Macy needed to be wearing those hot clothes like Payson needed a hole in his head.
Thank you. . .thank you very much.
They look great btw. And LOVE the picture with Mrs. W!
It was HOT too! Poor girl. Love the hole in the head picture.
Cute pictures! I used to do the same thing too, no matter how hot it was on the first day of school I insisted on wearing my new winter clothes. Ah, to be young and careless.
Alicia, they are so cute! I love Payson's swirl. What a nice teacher!
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