I am an even numbers kind of girl. I like things to be neat and orderly, like even numbers. I have to eat Peanut Butter M&M's in two's--you know, one for each side of my mouth. When I buy cans of soup or beans at the store, I always have to get two or four. It's a disease, really.
So my point, you ask? Well, something about my blog has been bugging me for quite some time. See my followers down there to the right? Yeah, I have nineteen. It's KILLING me, people. It's like, the ultimate insult. Not only is nineteen an odd number, it's one away from a tens!! It literally causes me physical pain. It's like buying nine of something, and not rounding it up to ten. Absolutely absurd!
But the worst part is, only twenty followers are shown on a blog at any given time. Which means I have three neat, perfect little rows all filled up with five pictures, and one with only four. That one blank square stares at me every time I log on, mocking me, laughing at me. "Nineteen," it sneers. "You only have nineteen."
So, you know you want to be that follower, the big one, number twenty. You know you want to. Who can be the first to fill that empty spot, that cold, lonely, empty spot just begging to be filled?
Will it be you?
lol... I, too, am an even numbers freak. However I cannot help you in your dilemma, as I am already a follower. And I won't even give you the courtesy of stopping following your blog so you can have an even number of 18. Hopefully someone special comes along soon...
If all else fails, you could follow your own blog and your cute little picture could fill in that spot.
You owe me....I am only on the computer this morning because I have a house full of sick people and we are not going to church, but it was worth it to help you out ;)
Too funny... I have the same exact thing, especially with the M&M's, Cookies, etc... MUST have even multiples at all times!
Oh, and I was already a follower, so I couldn't help ya there, but it looks like Melissa stepped in to help out!
I can't believe you are complaining! I only have 9 followers total. Woo is me...my little sister is more popular than me. :(
OK, I am following you blog, but have not signed in, now I’m not doing it because you will have again an uneven number, but if you need one more let me know. I’ll be there to help .
Svenja, I would LOVE one more! Even if it makes it uneven, it will still have an even 20 squares showing on my blog! But I would love one more!
I loved this post, it cracked me up because we've already discussed some of our... quirks. I would have totally felt the same way about having 19 followers, 19 is such an awful number! I'm glad that you have 20 cute little squares now, it looks so nice.... ahhhhhh. It just feels good to look at.
ROGLOL!!!!!! i put my name on there to be a follower, i thought, 'hmmmm, i hope i don't make it an odd number' and guess what? i'm number 21!!! ha ha ha ha ha! come on ladies, we need one more to make it 22. that's so hilarious. 21. that's like almost as bad as 13.
Noelle, I'm hurt!! You weren't following my blog already?! My own cousin...
I guess I have to forgive you now though.
oh, i follow you. you are on my blogger reader. i just didn't know that i COULD 'follow' a blog any other way. i know, i'm a little (a lot) slow.
Uh oh...I just had to check on this to make sure you had gotten your numbers even and now they're at 23!! What will you do!?! :-)
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